• 大小: 131KB
    文件类型: .zip
    金币: 2
    下载: 2 次
    发布日期: 2021-05-17
  • 语言: Matlab
  • 标签: MPC  


基于matlab SIMULINK模型实现自适应模型预测控制,Adaptive MPC controllers adjust their prediction model at run time to compensate for nonlinear or time-varying plant characteristics. To implement adaptive MPC, first design a traditional model predictive controller for the nominal operating conditions of your control system, and then update the plant model and nominal conditions used by the MPC controller at run time. For more information, see Adaptive MPC. After updating, the plant model and nominal conditions remain constant over the prediction horizon.



 属性            大小     日期    时间   名称
----------- ---------  ---------- -----  ----
     文件       28916  2018-12-13 14:16  Adaptive MPC Design with Simulink and Model Predictive Control Toolbox\Adaptive_MPC.slx
     文件       50500  2018-12-13 14:16  Adaptive MPC Design with Simulink and Model Predictive Control Toolbox\car.jpg
     文件       47087  2018-12-13 14:16  Adaptive MPC Design with Simulink and Model Predictive Control Toolbox\mask.jpg
     文件       28603  2018-12-13 14:16  Adaptive MPC Design with Simulink and Model Predictive Control Toolbox\Meldas_library.slx
     文件        5821  2018-12-13 14:16  Adaptive MPC Design with Simulink and Model Predictive Control Toolbox\Params.mat
     文件        1141  2018-12-13 14:16  Adaptive MPC Design with Simulink and Model Predictive Control Toolbox\README.txt
     文件        1495  2018-12-13 14:16  license.txt


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