function [tUs odrIdx TXmean Wgt] = MPCA(TXgndTXtestQmaxK)
% MPCA: Multilinear Principle Component Analysis
% %[Prototype]%
% function [tUs odrIdx TXmean Wgt] = MPCA(TXgndTXtestQmaxK)
% %[Author Notes]%
% Author: Haiping LU
% Email : hplu@ieee.org or eehplu@gmail.com
% Affiliation: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
% University of Toronto
% Release date: June 24 2008 (Version 1.1)
% Please email me if you have any problem question or suggestion
% %[Algorithm]%:
% This function implements the Multilinear Principal Component Analysis
% (MPCA) algorithm presented in the follwing paper:
% Haiping Lu K.N. Plataniotis and A.N. Venetsanopoulos
% “MPCA: Multilinear Principal Component Analysis of Tensor objects“
% IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks
% Vol. 19 No. 1 Page: 18-39 January 2008.
% Please reference this paper when reporting work done using this code.
% %[Toolbox needed]%:
% This function needs the tensor toolbox available at
% http://csmr.ca.sandia.gov/~tgkolda/TensorToolbox/
% %[Syntax]%: [tUs odrIdx TXmean Wgt] = MPCA(TXgndTXtestQmaxK)
% %[Inputs]%:
% TX: the input training data in tensorial representation the last mode
% is the sample mode. For Nth-order tensor data TX is of
% (N+1)th-order with the (N+1)-mode to be the sample mode.
% E.g. 30x20x10x100 for 100 samples of size 30x20x10
% If your training data is too big resulting in the “out of memory“
% error you could work around this problem by reading samples one
% by one from the harddisk or you could email me for help.
% gndTX: the ground truth class labels (123...) for the training data
% E.g. a 100x1 vector if there are 100 samples
% If the class label is not available (unsupervised learning)
% please set gndTX=-1;
% testQ: the percentage of variation kept in each mode suggested value
% is 97 and you can try other values e.g. from 95 to 100 to
% see whether better performance can be obtained.
% maxK: the maximum number of iterations suggested value is 1 and you
% can try a larger value if computational time is not a concern.
% %[Outputs]%:
% tUs: the multilinear projection consiting of N
% projection matrices one for each mode
% odrIdx: the ordering index of projected features in decreasing
% variance (if unsupervised) or discriminality (if supervised)
% for vectorizing the projected tensorial features
% TXmean: the mean of the input training samples TX
% Wgt: the weight tensor for use in modified distance measures. Please
% refer to Section IV.B and IV.C of the paper.
% %[Supported tensor order]%
% This function supports N=234 for other order N please modify the
% codes accordingly or email hplu@ieee.org or eehplu@gmail.com fo
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