function [child] = adjswapmutation(parboundsgenInfoOps)
% Adjswap mutation performs a swap of two adjacent
% genes in a permutation
% function [newSol] = adjswapmutation(parentboundsOps)
% parent - the first parent ( [solution string function value] )
% bounds - the bounds matrix for the solution space
% Ops - Options for binaryMutation [gen prob_of_mutation]
% Binary and Real-Valued Simulation Evolution for Matlab
% Copyright (C) 1996 C.R. Houck J.A. Joines M.G. Kay
% C.R. Houck J.Joines and M.Kay. A genetic algorithm for function
% optimization: A Matlab implementation. ACM Transactions on Mathmatical
% Software Submitted 1996.
% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation; either version 1 or (at your option)
% any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details. A copy of the GNU
% General Public License can be obtained from the
% Free Software Foundation Inc. 675 Mass Ave Cambridge MA 02139 USA.
sz = size(par2)-1;
pos = round(rand*(sz-1) + 0.5); %Generate U(1n-1)
child = par;
child(pos:pos+1)=[par(pos+1) par(pos)];
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 1419 1998-04-14 13:26 GABP\adjswapMutation.m
文件 1487 1998-04-15 08:46 GABP\arithXover.m
文件 1495 1998-04-14 13:26 GABP\b2f.m
文件 2080 1998-04-14 13:26 GABP\binaryExample.m
文件 1504 1998-04-15 08:48 GABP\binaryMutation.m
文件 1639 1998-04-14 13:26 GABP\boundaryMutation.m
文件 1382 1998-04-14 13:26 GABP\calcbits.m
文件 4761 1998-04-17 09:46 GABP\Contents.m
文件 1451 1998-04-14 13:26 GABP\coranaEval.m
文件 1538 1998-04-14 13:26 GABP\coranaFeval.m
文件 1222 1998-04-14 13:26 GABP\coranaMin.m
文件 1654 1998-04-14 13:26 GABP\cyclicXover.m
文件 256 2010-10-22 10:46 GABP\data2.mat
文件 1471 1998-04-14 13:26 GABP\delta.m
文件 6837 1998-04-28 08:17 GABP\dists.m
文件 1586 1998-04-14 13:26 GABP\EER.m
文件 2348 1998-04-14 13:26 GABP\enhancederXover.m
文件 2118 1998-04-14 13:26 GABP\erXover.m
文件 1501 1998-04-14 13:26 GABP\f2b.m
文件 2322 1998-04-14 13:26 GABP\floatExample.m
文件 2137 1998-04-14 13:26 GABP\floatGradExample.m
文件 10805 1998-04-14 13:26 GABP\ga.m
文件 437 2010-10-19 16:06 GABP\gabpEval.m
文件 2851 2010-10-20 11:24 GABP\GABPNET(全).asv
文件 2790 2010-10-20 11:25 GABP\GABPNET(全).m
文件 3312 2010-10-22 10:38 GABP\GABPNET.asv
文件 3350 2010-10-22 10:46 GABP\GABPNET.m
文件 774 2010-10-19 16:06 GABP\gadecod.m
文件 4213 1998-04-14 13:26 GABP\gademo.m
文件 3887 1998-04-14 13:26 GABP\gademo1.m
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