论文:Saliency Estimation Using a Non-Parametric Low-Level Vision Model
function [w c] = DWT(image wlev)
% Implementation of Mallate Discrete Wavelet Transform.
% outputs:
% w: cell array of length wlev containing wavelet planes in 3
% orientations.
% c: cell array of length c containing residual planes.
% inputs:
% image: input image to be decomposed.
% wlev: # of wavelet levels.
% pad image so that dimensions are powers of 2:
image = add_padding(image);
% Defined 1D Gabor-like filter:
h = [1./16.1./4.3./8.1./4.1./16.];
energy = sum(h);
inv_energy = 1/energy;
h = h*inv_energy;
w = cell(wlev1);
c = cell(wlev1);
for s = 1:wlev
img_dim = size(image1);
orig_image = image;
inv_sum = 1/sum(h);
% decimate image along horizontal direction
prod = symmetric_filtering(image h)*inv_sum; % blur
HF = prod;
tmp_prod = zeros(size(prod));
tmp_prod(:1:2:img_dim) = prod(:1:2:img_dim); % downsample
tmp_prod2 = symmetric_filtering(tmp_prod h)*inv_sum; % blur downsampled image horizontally
GF = image - 2*tmp_prod2; % horizontal frequency info
% decimate image along vertical direction
prod = symmetric_filtering(HF h‘)*inv_sum; % blur
HHF = prod;
tmp_prod = zeros(size(prod));
tmp_prod(1:2:img_dim:) = prod(1:2:img_dim:); % downsample
tmp_prod2 = symmetric_filtering(tmp_prod h‘)*inv_sum; % blur downsampled image vertically
GHF = HF - 2*tmp_prod2; % vertical wavelet plane
% decimate GF along vertical direction
prod = symmetric_filtering(GF h‘)*inv_sum; % blur
tmp_prod = zeros(size(prod));
tmp_prod(1:2:img_dim:) = prod(1:2:img_dim:); % downsample
HGF = 2*symmetric_filtering(tmp_prod h‘)*inv_sum; % horizontal wavelet plane
% save horizontal and vertical wavelet planes:
w{s1}(::1) = HGF;
w{s1}(::2) = GHF;
% Downsample residual image HHF:
HHF = HHF(1:2:img_dim1:2:img_dim);
% save residual
C = HHF;
c{s1} = C;
% upsample residual image:
HHF = upsample(upsample(HHF2)‘2)‘;
% blur with vertical filter:
image = 2*symmetric_filtering(HHF h‘)*inv_sum;
% blur with horizontal filter:
image = 2*symmetric_filtering(image h)*inv_sum;
% Create and save wavelet plane:
DF = orig_image - (image + HGF + GHF);
w{s1}(::3) = DF;
% Downsample residual image:
image = HHF(1:2:img_dim1:2:img_dim);
function image_padded = add_padding(image)
% Pads image so that dimensions are powers of 2.
% outputs:
% image_padded: padded image.
% inputs:
% image: input image.
[height width] = size(image);
% pad image when dimensions are not powers of 2/equal to each other:
nearest_pow = 2^ceil(log2(max(widthheight)));
image_padded = zeros(nearest_pow);
image_padded(1:height1:width) = image;
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
....... 65014 2016-01-07 07:59 SIM\3.jpg
....... 36922 2016-01-07 07:59 SIM\35.jpg
....... 3894 2016-01-07 07:59 SIM\DWT.m
....... 1512 2016-01-07 07:59 SIM\generate_csf.m
....... 1001 2016-01-07 07:59 SIM\IDWT.m
....... 1485 2016-01-07 07:59 SIM\README.txt
....... 1064 2016-01-07 07:59 SIM\rgb2opponent.m
....... 3957 2016-01-07 07:59 SIM\SIM.m
....... 730 2016-01-07 07:59 SIM\SIM_demo.m
....... 1050 2016-01-07 07:59 SIM\symmetric_filtering.m
目录 0 2018-05-29 16:42 SIM
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