MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database 原始数据读取 matlab程序
% This programm reads ECG data which are saved in format 212.
% (e.g. 100.dat from MIT-BIH-DB cu01.dat from CU-DB...)
% The data are displayed in a figure together with the annotations.
% The annotations are saved in the vector ANNOT the corresponding
% times (in seconds) are saved in the vector ATRTIME.
% The annotations are saved as numbers the meaning of the numbers can
% be found in the codetable “ecgcodes.h“ available at www.physionet.org.
% ANNOT only contains the most important information which is displayed
% with the program rdann (available on www.physionet.org) in the 3rd row.
% The 4th to 6th row are not saved in ANNOT.
% created on Feb. 27 2003 by
% Robert Tratnig (Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences)
% (email: rtratnig@gmx.at)
% algorithm is based on a program written by
% Klaus Rheinberger (University of Innsbruck)
% (email: klaus.rheinberger@uibk.ac.at)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
function [signalh]=load_data(FILE_NO)
%------ SPECIFY DATA ------------------------------------------------------
PATH= ‘D:\aa_work\新学期项目及论文\心电图项目\数据集\MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database\test‘; % path where data are saved
HEADERFILE=strcat( FILE_NO‘.hea‘); % header-file in text format
ATRFILE=strcat( FILE_NO ‘.atr‘); % attributes-file in binary format
DATAFILE=strcat( FILE_NO‘.dat‘); % data-file
SAMPLES2READ=648000; % number of samples to be read
% in case of more than one signal:
% 2*SAMPLES2READ samples are read
%------ LOAD HEADER DATA --------------------------------------------------
fprintf(1‘\\n$> WORKING ON %s ...\n‘ HEADERFILE);
signalh= fullfile(PATH HEADERFILE);
z= fgetl(fid1);
A= sscanf(z ‘%*s %d %d %d‘[13]);
nosig= A(1); % number of signals
sfreq=A(2); % sample rate of data
clear A;
for k=1:nosig
z= fgetl(fid1);
A= sscanf(z ‘%*s %d %d %d %d %d‘[15]);
dformat(k)= A(1); % format; here only 212 is allowed
gain(k)= A(2); % number of integers per mV
bitres(k)= A(3); % bitresolution
zerovalue(k)= A(4); % integer value of ECG zero point
firstvalue(k)= A(5); % first integer value of signal (to test for errors)
clear A;
%------ LOAD BINARY DATA --------------------------------------------------
if dformat~= [212212] error(‘this script does not apply binary formats different to 212.‘); end;
signald= fullfile(PATH DATAFILE); % data in format 212
A= fread(fid2 [3 SAMPLES2READ] ‘uint8‘)‘; % matrix with 3 rows each 8 bits long = 2*12bit
M2H= bitshift(A(:2) -4);
M1H= bitand
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