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function [ A B C S R T ] = IndirectSTR ( uc y na nb d nc Ts Estimation_state Am_poles A0_poles Controller_state Plot )
%% Coded By
% Mohamed Mohamed El-Sayed Atyya
% mohamed.atyya94@eng-st.cu.edu.eg
%% Function objective
% this function to esimate the system and contoller parameter by using
% Indirect self-tuning regulator contoller (model following)
% estimation is done by one of the linear estimation model
% The plant tansfer function :
% z^(-d) B(z^-1)
% Gp(z^-1) = --------------------------
% A(z^-1)
% The feedback controller tansfer function :
% S(z^-1)
% Gc(z^-1) = --------------------------
% R(z^-1)
% The feedforward controller tansfer function :
% T(z^-1)
% Gc(z^-1) = --------------------------
% R(z^-1)
%% Inputs:
% uc : input signal to the system
% y : output signal to the system
% na : order of thr Den. of the transfer function of the system
% nb : order of thr Num. of the transfer function of the system
% nc : order of thr Num. of the transfer function of the system noise if any if not put nc=0
% d : order of delay of the system
% Ts : sampling time (ms)
% Estimation_state : choose the linear estimation model
% 1 - if Estimation_state(1) = 1 --> RLS
% 2 - if Estimation_state(1) = 2 --> RLS with lambda Estimation_state(2) = lambda
% 3 - if Estimation_state(1) = 3 --> RLS with varying lambda
% 4 - if Estimation_state(1) = 4 --> ERLS
% 5 - if Estimation_state(1) = 5 --> ERLS with lambda Estimation_state(2) = lambda
% 6 - if Estimation_state(1) = 6 --> ERLS with varying lambda
% 7 - if Estimation_state(1) = 7 --> MERLS
% 8 - if Estimation_state(1) = 8 --> MERLS with lambda Estimation_state(2) = lambda
% 9 - if Estimation_state(1) = 9 --> MERLS with varying lambda
% Am_ploes : required ploes in z-domain
% A0_ploes : observer poles in z-domain
% Controller_state : its number choose the controller type
% 1 - if Controller_state(1) = 1
% model following without zero cancellation
% 2 - if Controller_state(1) = 2
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 50191 2016-08-05 06:56 1 - Indirect STR\IndirectSTR.m
文件 2886 2016-03-19 07:39 1 - Indirect STR\OutputEstimation.m
文件 732527 2016-08-05 07:27 1 - Indirect STR\STR.pdf
文件 5875 2016-08-05 07:07 1 - Indirect STR\STR_Example1.m
文件 5868 2016-08-05 07:09 1 - Indirect STR\STR_Example2.m
文件 5889 2016-08-05 07:10 1 - Indirect STR\STR_Example3.m
文件 5878 2016-08-05 07:11 1 - Indirect STR\STR_Example4.m
文件 5932 2016-08-05 07:12 1 - Indirect STR\STR_Example5.m
文件 5925 2016-08-05 07:14 1 - Indirect STR\STR_Example6.m
文件 5872 2016-08-05 07:14 1 - Indirect STR\STR_Example7.m
文件 1315 2016-08-04 19:30 license.txt
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