function [score y x ] = Generalized_hough_transform(IsItm)
%Find template/shape Itm in greyscale image Is using generalize hough trasform
%Use generalized hough transform to find Template/shape binary image given in binary image Itm in grayscale image Is (greyscale image)
%Is is greyscale picture were the template Itm should be found
%Itm is bool edge image of the template with edges markedd ones
%Return the xy location cordniates which gave the best match
%Also return the score of each this point (number of point matching)
%The xy are the cordinates in image Is in which the the top left edge of image Itm (11) should be positioned in order to give the best match
%if nargin<3 thresh=1;end;
%--------------------------create edge and system edge images------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Iedg=edge(Is‘canny‘); % Take canny edge images of Is with automatic threshold
[y x]=find(Itm>0); % find all yx cordinates of all points equal 1 inbinary template image Itm
nvs=size(x);% number of points in the template image
%-------------------Define Yc and Xc ----------------------------------------------
Cy=1;%round(mean(y));% find object y center note that any reference point will do so the origin of axis hence 1 could be used just as well
Cx=1;%round(mean(x));% find object z center note that any reference point will do so the origin of axis hence 1 could be used just as well
%------------------------------create gradient map of Itm distrobotion between zero to pi %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
GradientMap = gradient_direction( Itm );
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Create an R-Table of Itm gradients to parameter space in parameter space.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%---------------------------create template descriptor array------------------------------------
MaxAngelsBins=30;% devide the angel space to MaxAngelsBins uniformed space bins
MaxPointsPerangel=nvs(1);% maximal amount of points corresponding to specific angel
PointCounter=zeros(MaxAngelsBins);% counter for the amount of edge points associate with each angel gradient
Rtable=zeros(MaxAngelsBinsMaxPointsPerangel2); % assume maximum of 100 points per angle with MaxAngelsBins angles bins between zero and pi and xy for the vector to the center of each point
% the third adimension are vector from the point to the center of the vessel
%------------------fill the angel bins with points in the Rtable---------------------------------------------------------
for f=1:1:nvs(1)
bin=round((GradientMap(y(f) x(f))/pi)*(MaxAngelsBins-1))+1; % transform from continues gradient angles to discrete angle bins and
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