% A second order DPLL design
% Block diagram
% +---+ e +-----------+ y
% x ------>| + |------>| H1(z) |---------+
% +---+ +-----------+ |
% ^ |
% | z +-----------+ |
% |---------| H2(z) |<--------+
% +-----------+
clear all
% number of bits in the quantizer
b = 15;
q = 1/2^b;
phase = 0;
amplitude = 5;
% DPLL parameters from closed-loop transfer function
g1 = 0.0147;
g2 = 0.0001;
% gain of the phase detector
Gpd = 1;
% VCO gain
Gvco = 1;
G1 = g1/(Gpd*Gvco);
G2 = g2/(Gpd*Gvco);
G = G1 + G2;
% input (reference) signal
t = 0:0.0001: 1;
f = 10;
%x = ones(1 1000); % step response only
if mod(t100) == 0
%phase = phase + rand()*360 ;
phase = phase + 100 ;
if phase > 360
phase = (phase-360);
%x = sin (amplitude * exp(j * (2*pi*f*t + phase) ) );
x = amplitude * sin (2*pi*f*t + phase )
%x = AWGN(temp_sine50); %AWGN(XSNR) adds white Gaussian noise to X. The SNR is in dB.
%x = chirp(t01150);
% quantize x into b bits (Can take the following 3 lines out to compare
% with and without quantizer)
signs = sign(x);
signs(~signs) = ones(size(signs(~signs)));
x = q .* floor(abs(x./q) + 0.5) .* signs;
y(1) = (G1 + G2) * x(1);
z(1) = y(1);
% quantize y and z into b bits (Can take the following 6 lines out to
% compare with and with quantizer)
sign_y = sign(y(1));
sign_y(~sign_y) = ones(size(sign_y(~sign_y)));
y(1) = q .* floor(abs(y(1)./q) + 0.5) .* sign_y;
sign_z = sign(z(1));
sign_z(~sign_z) = ones(size(sign_z(~sign_z)));
z(1) = q .* floor(abs(z(1)./q) + 0.5) .* sign_z;
e(1) = x(1) - z(1);
for i = 2 : length(x)
% phase detector
e(i) = x(i) - z(i-1);
% loop filter H1(z) an IIR filter
y(i) = G * e(i) - G1 * e(i-1) + y(i-1);
% Can take the following 3 lines out to compare
% with and without quantizer
sign_y = sign(y(i));
sign_y(~sign_y) = ones(size(sign_y(~sign_y)));
y(i) = q .* floor(abs(y(i)./q) + 0.5) .* sign_y;
% VCO filter an IIR accumulator
z(i) = z(i-1) + Gvco * y(i);
% Can take the following 3 lines out to compare
% with and without quantizer
sign_z = sign(z(i));
sign_z(~sign_z) = ones(size(sign_z(~sign_z)));
z(i) = q .* floor(abs(z(i)./q) + 0.5) .* sign_z;
% equivalent close-loop transfer function the ideal case
Z = tf(‘z‘1);
H = (0.0148*Z - 0.0147)/(Z^2 -1.9852*Z +0.9853);
step = ones(11000);
step_response = lsim(H step 1:length(step));
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 2734 2009-03-01 16:18 dpll.m
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2734 1
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