%function [stdevs bound F avgNeighb] = calcLocalizationCRB( x y blinds total channelParam measMade d_thr)
% 这是一外国佬写的计算定位CRLB的程序
% stdevs: Bounds for the standard deviation of localization error (sqrt of
% bound on x-variance + bound on y-variance).
% bound: The matrix bound on covariance
% F: The fisher information matrix
% avgNeighb: Average number of neighbors per sensor. Useful if measMade
% radius is given for neighbor inclusion matrix.
% x and y: Actual coordinate vectors. The first ‘blinds‘ elements are
% blindfolded and the remaining are ‘reference‘ or ‘anchor‘
% nodes. x and y must be row vectors.
% blinds: Total # of blindfolded devices. The first ‘blinds‘ devices must
% be correspond to the blindfolded devices the rest are references.
% total: Total # of devices.
% channelParam: Equal to sigmadB/n_p for the case of RSS/QRSS measurements the dB
% standard deviation of fading divided by the path loss exponent.
% Or for the case of TOA measurements equal to sigma_d
% ie. the std. dev. of distance measurement error (meters). For the case of
% AOA channelParam = sigma_a the std. dev. of angle measurement
% error (radians). The value of channelParam can be scalar if the channel
% parameter is the same for all links or matrix (total by
% total) if each link has a different channel parameter
% measMade: Measurement matrix. measMade(ij)=1 if i and j make a
% measurement or =0 if not. Default is all ones. If a
% scalar is sent for measMade it is considered to be a
% radius: if ||z_i-z_j|| < radius then i and j makes measurements
% otherwise they don‘t.
% AUTHOR: Neal Patwari npatwari (at) umich (dot) edu April 2004
% http://www.engin.umich.edu/~npatwari/
% AOA part added by Josh Ash ashj (at) ece (dot) osu (dot) edu 7/28/04
% REF: “It Takes a Network: Cooperative Geolocation of Wireless Sensors“
% (N. Patwari J. Ash S. Kyperountas A. O. Hero R. M. Moses N. S. Correal)
% accepted to IEEE Signal Processing Magazine expected publication July 2005.
% EXAMPLE: >> n=20; x=rand(1n); y=rand(1n);
% >> [s B F a] = calcCRBGivenLocsAny(‘T‘ x y 15 n 0.2 0.75);
% >> calcCRBGivenLocsAny(‘R‘ x y 15 n 2.1);
% >> calcCRBGivenLocsAny(‘Q‘ x y 15 n 2.1 ones(n) 0.8:-0.2:0.2)
function [stdevs bound F avgNeighb] = calcLocalizationCRB(...
x y blinds total channelParam measMade)
% 1. For incomplete measurements use symmetric matrix measMade to indicate which pairs
% made measurements (1 for a measurement 0 for no measurement). The default
% is that all pairs made measurements.
% Or if measMad
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 5193 2009-05-15 09:08 MDS定位算法\calcLocalizationCRB.m
文件 78 2011-08-31 09:22 MDS定位算法\Err.m
文件 2076 2011-09-02 10:57 MDS定位算法\graphtest.m
文件 712 2009-05-15 08:52 MDS定位算法\iterative_calculating.m
文件 2122 2009-05-15 08:54 MDS定位算法\L2_distance.m
文件 3347 2009-05-15 09:07 MDS定位算法\matrix_optimal.m
文件 1802 2009-05-15 09:04 MDS定位算法\matrix_optimala.m
文件 1994 2011-08-31 15:51 MDS定位算法\trygraphtest.m
目录 0 2011-09-07 15:25 MDS定位算法
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