function x = f_alpha_tgaussian ( n q_d r alpha )
%% F_ALPHA_TGAUSSIAN generates noise using a truncated Gaussian distribuion.
% Discussion:
% This function generates a discrete colored noise vector X of size N
% with a power spectrum distribution that behaves like 1 / f^ALPHA.
% The white noise used in the generation is sampled from a truncated
% Gaussian distribution with zero mean variance Q_D and
% a range of (-RANGE+RANGE).
% Licensing:
% This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
% Modified:
% 30 March 2011
% Author:
% Miroslav Stoyanov
% Reference:
% Jeremy Kasdin
% Discrete Simulation of Colored Noise and Stochastic Processes
% and 1/f^a Power Law Noise Generation
% Proceedings of the IEEE
% Volume 83 Number 5 1995 pages 802-827.
% Miroslav Stoyanov Max Gunzburger John Burkardt
% Pink Noise 1/F^Alpha Noise and Their Effect on Solution
% of Differential Equations
% submitted International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification.
% Parameters:
% Input integer N the number of elements in the discrete noise vector.
% Input real Q_D the variance of the Gaussian distribution. A standard
% Gaussian distribution has a variance of 1. The variance is the square
% of the standard deviation.
% Input real R the upper va
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