克里金(Kriging)插值法又称空间自协方差最佳插值法,它是以南非矿业工程师D.G.Krige的名字命名的一种最优内插法。克里金法广泛地应用于地下水模拟、土壤制图等领域,是一种很有用的地质统计格网化方法。它首先考虑的是空间属性在空间位置上的变异分布.确定对一个待插点值有影响的距离范围,然后用此范围内的采样点来估计待插点的属性值。该方法在数学上可对所研究的对象提供一种最佳线性无偏估计(某点处的确定值)的方法。它是考虑了信息样品的形状、大小及与待估计块段相互间的空间位置等几何特征以及品位的空间结构之后,为达到线性、无偏和最小估计方差的估计,而对每一个样品赋与一定的系数,最后 进行加权平均来估计块段品位的方法。但它仍是一种光滑的内插方法 在数据点多时,其内插的结果可信度较高 。
function [xfvalexitflagoutput] = fminsearchbnd(funx0LBUBoptionsvarargin)
% FMINSEARCHBND: FMINSEARCH but with bound constraints by transformation
% usage: x=FMINSEARCHBND(funx0)
% usage: x=FMINSEARCHBND(funx0LB)
% usage: x=FMINSEARCHBND(funx0LBUB)
% usage: x=FMINSEARCHBND(funx0LBUBoptions)
% usage: x=FMINSEARCHBND(funx0LBUBoptionsp1p2...)
% usage: [xfvalexitflagoutput]=FMINSEARCHBND(funx0...)
% arguments:
% fun x0 options - see the help for FMINSEARCH
% LB - lower bound vector or array must be the same size as x0
% If no lower bounds exist for one of the variables then
% supply -inf for that variable.
% If no lower bounds at all then LB may be left empty.
% Variables may be fixed in value by setting the corresponding
% lower and upper bounds to exactly the same value.
% UB - upper bound vector or array must be the same size as x0
% If no upper bounds exist for one of the variables then
% supply +inf for that variable.
% If no upper bounds at all then UB may be left empty.
% Variables may be fixed in value by setting the corresponding
% lower and upper bounds to exactly the same value.
% Notes:
% If options is supplied then TolX will apply to the transformed
% variables. All other FMINSEARCH parameters should be unaffected.
% Variables which are constrained by both a lower and an upper
% bound will use a sin transformation. Those constrained by
% only a lower or an upper bound will use a quadratic
% transformation and unconstrained variables will be left alone.
% Variables may be fixed by setting their respective bounds equal.
% In this case the problem will be reduced in size for FMINSEARCH.
% The bounds are inclusive inequalities which admit the
% boundary values themselves but will not permit ANY function
% evaluations outside the bounds. These constraints are strictly
% followed.
% If your problem has an EXCLUSIVE (strict) constraint which will
% not admit evaluation at the bound itself then you must provide
% a slightly offset bound. An example of this is a function which
% contains the log of one of its parameters. If you constrain the
% variable to have a lower bound of zero then FMINSEARCHBND may
% try to evaluate the function exactly at zero.
% Example usage:
% rosen = @(x) (1-x(1)).^2 + 105*(x(2)-x(1).^2).^2;
% fminsearch(rosen[3 3]) % unconstrained
% ans =
% 1.0000 1.0000
% fminsearchbnd(rosen[3 3][2 2][]) % constrained
% ans =
% 2.0000 4.0000
% See test_main.m for other examples of use.
% See also: fminsearch fminspleas
% Author: John D‘Errico
% E-mail: woodchips@rochester.rr.com
% Release: 4
% Release date: 7/23/06
% size checks
xsize = size(x0);
x0 = x0(:);
if (nargin<3) || isempty(LB)
LB = repmat(-infn1);
LB = LB(:);
if (nargin<4) || isempty(UB)
UB = repmat(infn1);
UB = UB(:);
if (n~=lengt
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 3452 2013-04-03 19:35 variogramfit\dataset.txt
文件 8139 2012-02-06 06:53 variogramfit\fminsearchbnd.m
文件 6374 2010-10-14 09:01 variogramfit\kriging.m
文件 1045 2018-10-05 22:46 variogramfit\kshiyan.m
文件 6780 2018-10-04 22:58 variogramfit\tefit.m
文件 27961 2018-11-14 09:19 variogramfit\tefit运行结果.jpg
文件 2146 2018-10-04 16:39 variogramfit\test.m
文件 82460 2018-11-14 09:16 variogramfit\test运行结果.jpg
文件 2235 2018-10-04 22:49 variogramfit\teva.m
文件 65317 2018-11-14 09:18 variogramfit\teva运行结果.jpg
文件 9128 2018-10-03 16:49 variogramfit\variogram.m
文件 18299 2010-10-13 14:59 variogramfit\variogramfit.m
目录 0 2018-11-14 09:19 variogramfit
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
233336 13
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