matlab 读取三维文档,.ply格式。
function [triMesh h] = myPLYread(FILENAME FLAG)
% input
% FILENAME: file name of .ply
% FLAG: 0 - default: no drawing
% 1 or else:
% output
% triMesh: a struct that is similar with class ptCloud
% h: handle of trisurf (patch)
% author/copyright Matthew
% date: 2015-10-05
%% input checking and initialize variables
if nargin == 0
error(‘Error! Please input the file name.‘);
elseif nargin == 1
FLAG = 0;
nFace = [];
nHeader = []; % number of head lines
% struct triMesh similar with ptCloud
triMesh.Location = [];
triMesh.Color = [];
triMesh.Normal = [];
triMesh.Intensity = [];
triMesh.Face = [];
triMesh.cntVetext = [];
triMesh.cntFace = [];
%% import vertex and colors (texture)
ptCloud = pcread(FILENAME); % pcread can import vertex and colors
triMesh.Location = ptCloud.Location;
triMesh.Color = ptCloud.Color;
triMesh.Normal = ptCloud.Normal;
triMesh.Intensity = ptCloud.Intensity;
triMesh.cntVetext = ptCloud.Count;
clear ptCloud;
%% import faces
fid = fopen(FILENAME‘rt‘);
for i = 1:20
tline = fgetl(fid);
k1 = strfind(tline ‘element face‘);
k2 = strfind(tline ‘end_header‘);
% get the number of faces
if k1 ==1
m= length(tline);
nFace = str2num(tline(
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