* atrousc.c - Written by Arthur Cunha. This routine builds up on
* zconv2D_OS.c written by Jason Laska
* Inputs: x - A 2D signal
* h - 2D filter
* m - separable upsampling matrix
* Outputs: y - 2D result of convolution with filter
* upsampled by a m only the ‘valid‘ part is returned.
* Similar to conv2(xh‘valid‘) where h is the upsampled
* filter.
* Usage: y = zconv2D_O(xhm);
* Notes: This function does not actually upsample the filter
* it computes the convolution as if the filter had been
* upsampled. This is the ultimate optimized version.
* Further optimized for separable (diagonal) upsampling matrices.
* This is a MEX-FILE for matlab
#include “mex.h“
#define OUT plhs[0]
#define SIGNAL prhs[0]
#define FILTER prhs[1]
#define MMATRIX prhs[2]
#define LINPOS(rowcolcollen) (row*collen)+col
void mexFunction(int nlhs mxArray *plhs[] int nrhs const mxArray *prhs[])
double *FArray*SArray*outArray*M;
/* FArray - Filter coefficients
SArray - Signal coefficients
outArray - Output coefficients
M - upsampling matrix */
int SColLengthSRowLengthFColLengthFRowLengthO_SColLengthO_SRowLength;
int SFColLengthSFRowLength;
int n1n2l1l2k1k2f1f2 kk2 kk1;
double sum;
int M0M3sM0sM3;
SColLength = mxGetM(SIGNAL);
SRowLength = mxGetN(SIGNAL);
FColLength = mxGetM(FILTER);
FRowLength = mxGetN(FILTER);
SFColLength = FColLength-1;
SFRowLength = FRowLength-1;
FArray = mxGetPr(FILTER);
SArray = mxGetPr(SIGNAL);
M = mxGetPr(MMATRIX);
M0 = (int)M[0];
M3 = (int)M[3];
sM0 = M0-1;
sM3 = M3-1;
O_SColLength = SColLength - M0*FColLength + 1;
O_SRowLength = SRowLength - M3*FRowLength + 1;
OUT = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(O_SColLength O_SRowLength mxREAL);
outArray = mxGetPr(OUT);
/* Convoluyion loop */
for (n1=0;n1 for (n2=0;n2 sum=0;
kk1 = n1 + sM0;;
for (k1=0;k1 kk2 = n2 + sM3;
for (k2=0;k2 f1 = SFRowLength - k1; /* flipped index */
f2 = SFColLength - k2;
sum+= FArray[LINPOS(f1f2FColLength)] * SArray[LINPOS(kk1kk2SColLength)];
outArray[LINPOS(n1n2O_SColLength)] = sum;
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 2782 2010-12-14 21:18 NSST_toolbox\atrousc.c
文件 7168 2004-10-17 14:45 NSST_toolbox\atrousc.dll.old
文件 8664 2005-01-24 19:51 NSST_toolbox\atrousc.mexmac
文件 7168 2010-09-14 08:52 NSST_toolbox\atrousc.mexw32
文件 7680 2010-11-08 10:26 NSST_toolbox\atrousc.mexw64
文件 1325 2010-11-14 22:53 NSST_toolbox\atrousdec.m
文件 19406 2004-09-09 13:01 NSST_toolbox\atrousfilters.m
文件 1011 2010-10-16 09:25 NSST_toolbox\atrousrec.m
文件 298044 2007-07-03 13:50 NSST_toolbox\barbara.gif
文件 1740 2011-08-01 08:29 NSST_toolbox\contents.m
文件 333 2011-07-27 03:41 NSST_toolbox\conv2p.m
文件 3612 2011-11-20 15:52 NSST_toolbox\denoise_shearlet_example.m
文件 2418 2011-07-27 05:41 NSST_toolbox\gen_x_y_cordinates.m
文件 163 2011-07-27 05:00 NSST_toolbox\MeanSquareError.m
文件 535 2011-07-27 07:47 NSST_toolbox\meyer_wind.m
文件 343 2017-05-06 21:44 NSST_toolbox\nsstfangzhen.m
文件 2213 2017-05-06 21:02 NSST_toolbox\nsst_dec1.m
文件 2094 2011-07-27 07:55 NSST_toolbox\nsst_dec1e.m
文件 2247 2011-07-27 07:43 NSST_toolbox\nsst_dec2.m
文件 1530 2011-07-27 07:46 NSST_toolbox\nsst_HT.m
文件 869 2011-07-27 07:44 NSST_toolbox\nsst_rec1.m
文件 1078 2011-07-27 07:44 NSST_toolbox\nsst_rec2.m
文件 1508 2011-07-27 07:45 NSST_toolbox\nsst_scalars.m
文件 1540 2011-07-27 07:45 NSST_toolbox\nsst_scalars_e.m
文件 955 2011-07-27 03:41 NSST_toolbox\rec_from_pol.m
文件 979 2009-12-07 19:51 NSST_toolbox\SF.m
文件 1056 2011-07-27 07:47 NSST_toolbox\shearing_filters_Myer.m
文件 3013 2010-12-18 13:31 NSST_toolbox\ShearLab110.m
文件 888 2005-12-19 08:07 NSST_toolbox\symext.m
文件 3514 2017-05-09 16:44 NSST_toolbox\Unti
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