含psnr,rmse, ergas, sam, uiqi,ssim,DD,CCS,matlab版图片评估指标,适用与高光谱图像,多波段图像
Computes a number of quality indices from the remote sensing literature, namely the RMSE, ERGAS, SAM and UIQI indices.
ground_truth - the original image (3D image),
function ssim = cal_ssim( im1 im2 b_row b_col )
[h w ch] = size( im1 );
ssim = 0;
if ch==1
ssim = ssim_index( im1(b_row+1:h-b_row b_col+1:w-b_col) im2( b_row+1:h-b_row b_col+1:w-b_col) );
for i = 1:ch
ssim = ssim + ssim_index( im1(b_row+1:h-b_row b_col+1:w-b_col i) im2( b_row+1:h-b_row b_col+1:w-b_col i) );
ssim = ssim/ch;
function [mssim ssim_map] = ssim_index(img1 img2 K window L)
%SSIM Index Version 1.0
%Copyright(c) 2003 Zhou Wang
%All Rights Reserved.
%The author was with Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Laboratory
%for Computational Vision at Center for Neural Science and Courant
%Institute of Mathematical Sciences New York University USA. He is
%currently with Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
%University of Waterloo Canada.
%Permission to use copy or modify this software and its documentation
%for educational and research purposes only and without fee is hereby
%granted provided that this copyright notice and the original authors‘
%names appear on all copies and supporting documentation. This program
%shall not be used rewritten or adapted as the basis of a commercial
%software or hardware product without first obtaining permission of the
%authors. The authors make no representations about the suitability of
%this software for any purpose. It is provided “as is“ without express
%or implied warranty.
%This is an implementation of the algorithm for calculating the
%Structural SIMilarity (SSIM) index between two images. Please refer
%to the following paper:
%Z. Wang A. C. Bovik H. R. Sheikh and E. P. Simoncelli “Image
%quality assessment: From error measurement to structural similarity“
%IEEE Transactios on Image Processing vol. 13 no. 4 Apr. 2004.
%Kindly report any suggestions or corrections to zhouwang@ieee.org
%Input : (1) img1: the first image being compared
% (2) img2: the second image being compared
% (3) K: constants in the SSIM index formula (see the above
% reference). defualt value: K = [0.01 0.03]
% (4) window: local window for statistics (see the above
% reference). default widnow is Gaussian given by
% window = fspecial(‘gaussian‘ 11 1.5);
% (5) L: dynamic range of the images. default: L = 255
%Output: (1) mssim: the mean SSIM index value between 2 images.
% If one of the images being compared is regarded as
% perfect quality then mssim can be considered as the
% quality measure of the other image.
% If img1 = img2 then mssim = 1.
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 1181 2020-06-07 19:49 SpectAngMapper.m
文件 6373 2020-06-07 19:49 cal_ssim.m
文件 645 2020-11-27 17:42 compare.m
文件 396 2020-06-07 19:49 csnr.m
文件 4180 2020-06-07 19:49 img_qi.m
文件 3128 2020-11-26 17:12 quality_assessment.m
文件 999 2020-06-07 19:49 CC.m
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