function [Xout Yout Zout] = polar3d(Zintheta_mintheta_maxRho_minRho_maxmeshscalevarargin)
% POLAR3D Plots a 3D polar surface.
% POLAR3D(Zintheta_mintheta_maxRho_minRho_maxmeshscale) plots
% the profiles as a mesh plot for Zin between radii Rho_min and
% Rho_max for polar angles equally spaced between theta_min and theta_max.
% POLAR3D(Zintheta_mintheta_maxRho_minRho_maxmeshscaleplotspec)
% plots the profiles Zin between radii Rho_min and Rho_max for
% polar angles between theta_min and theta_max with a plot type
% specification. If plotspec = ‘surf‘ a standard Matlab surface
% is plottedwhereas ‘mesh‘ ‘surfc‘ or ‘meshc‘ will plot mesh
% surface with countour or mesh with contour respectively.
% The size of the squares on the mesh or surf plots is determined
% by meshscale. The default plot is a mesh plot.
% [XoutYoutZout] = POLAR3D(Zintheta_mintheta_maxRho_min
% Rho_max meshscale)returns Zout values corresponding to the
% Cartesian positions (XoutYout).
% SYNTAX polar3d(Zintheta_mintheta_maxRho_minRho_maxmeshscale)
% polar3d(Zintheta_mintheta_maxRho_minRho_maxmeshscaleplotspec)
% polar3d(Zintheta_mintheta_maxRho_minRho_maxmeshscaleinterpspec)
% polar3d(Zintheta_mintheta_maxRho_minRho_maxmeshscale plotspecinterpspec)
% [XoutYoutZout] = polar3d(Zintheta_mintheta_maxRho_minRho_max...)
% INPUT Zin input magnitude profiles where each column in Zin is
% assumed to represent the radial information in the
% plot i.e. each column represents the information
% along a radial line defined by theta where theta
% varies between theta_min and theta_max.
% Zin is a (M x N) matrix where M and N are not
% necessarily equal. If M is not equal to N then the
% data are interpolated to make them equal. The final
% size is determined by the larger value of (MN).
% The N columns of Zin are assumed to be equally
% spaced measurements of the radial components where
% Zin(11) corresponds to (theta_minRho_max) and
% Zin(M1) corresponds to (theta_minRho_min) and so on.
% Zin(1N) corresponds to (theta_maxRho_max) and
% Zin(MN) corresponds to (theta_maxRho_min). Theta
% increases in the anticlockwise direction.
% theta_min the lower value in radians of the angular range
% over which the data is defined. Thet
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