function [results options] = RANSAC(X options)
% [results options] = RANSAC(X options)
% estimate the vector of parameters Theta using RANSAC (see source [1]
% [2])
% Marco Zuliani - marco.zuliani@gmail.com
% 1.1.5
% X = input data. The data id provided as a matrix that has
% dimensions 2dxN where d is the data dimensionality
% and N is the number of elements
% options = structure containing the following fields:
% sigma = noise std
% P_inlier = Chi squared probability threshold for inliers
% (i.e. the probability that an point whose squared
% error is less than T_noise_squared is an inlier)
% (default = 0.99)
% T_noise_squared = Error threshold (overrides sigma)
% epsilon = False Alarm Rate (i.e. the probability we never
% pick a good minimal sample set) (default = 1e-3)
% Ps = sampling probability ( 1 x size(X 2) )
% (default: uniform i.e. Ps is empty)
% ind_tabu = logical array indicating the elements that should
% not be considered to construct the MSS (default
% is empty)
% validateMSS_fun = function that validates a MSS
% Should be in the form of:
% flag = validateMSS_foo(X s)
% validateTheta_fun = function that validates a parameter vector
% Should be in the form of:
% flag = validateTheta_foo(X Theta s)
% est_fun = function that estimates Theta.
% Should be in the form of:
% [Theta k] = estimate_foo(X s)
% man_fun = function that returns the residual error.
% Should be in the form of:
% [E T_noise_squared] = man_fun(Theta X)
% parameters = a structure that is passed to all the estimation
% validation and error functions containing data to
% be used by such functions (e.g. parameters.alpha)
% mode = algorithm flavour
% ‘RANSAC‘ -> Fischler & Bolles
% ‘MSAC‘ -> Torr & Zisserman
% max_iters = maximum number of iterations (default = inf)
% min_iters = minimum number of iterations (default = 0)
% max_no_updates = maximum number of iterations with no updates
% (default = inf)
% fix_seed = true to fix the seed of the random number
% generator so that the results on the same data
% set are repeatable (default = false)
% reestimate = true to resestimate the parameter vector
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 1178 2014-07-04 17:36 RANSAC-Toolbox-master\Common\chi2inv_LUT.m
文件 33667 2014-07-04 17:36 RANSAC-Toolbox-master\Common\chi2inv_LUT.mat
文件 382 2014-07-04 17:36 RANSAC-Toolbox-master\Common\chi2inv_mathworks\generate_chi2inv_LUT.m
文件 1172 2014-07-04 17:36 RANSAC-Toolbox-master\Common\get_consensus_set.m
文件 1333 2014-07-04 17:36 RANSAC-Toolbox-master\Common\get_consensus_set_rank.m
文件 457 2014-07-04 17:36 RANSAC-Toolbox-master\Common\get_iter_RANSAC.m
文件 3650 2014-07-04 17:36 RANSAC-Toolbox-master\Common\get_minimal_sample_set.m
文件 599 2014-07-04 17:36 RANSAC-Toolbox-master\Common\get_q_RANSAC.m
文件 921 2014-07-04 17:36 RANSAC-Toolbox-master\Common\get_rand.m
文件 1688 2014-07-04 17:36 RANSAC-Toolbox-master\Common\get_rand_prob.m
文件 5145 2014-07-04 17:36 RANSAC-Toolbox-master\Common\stabilize.m
文件 7639 2014-07-04 17:36 RANSAC-Toolbox-master\COPYING.LESSER.txt
文件 35147 2014-07-04 17:36 RANSAC-Toolbox-master\COPYING.txt
文件 26432 2014-07-04 17:36 RANSAC-Toolbox-master\Examples\FundamentalMatrixData.mat
文件 18087 2014-07-04 17:36 RANSAC-Toolbox-master\Examples\LineData.mat
文件 2994 2014-07-04 17:36 RANSAC-Toolbox-master\Examples\test_RANSAC_affine.m
文件 2578 2014-07-04 17:36 RANSAC-Toolbox-master\Examples\test_RANSAC_circles.m
文件 1458 2014-07-04 17:36 RANSAC-Toolbox-master\Examples\test_RANSAC_fundamental_matrix.m
文件 2770 2014-07-04 17:36 RANSAC-Toolbox-master\Examples\test_RANSAC_homography.m
文件 2647 2014-07-04 17:36 RANSAC-Toolbox-master\Examples\test_RANSAC_line_01.m
文件 1248 2014-07-04 17:36 RANSAC-Toolbox-master\Examples\test_RANSAC_line_02.m
文件 2385 2014-07-04 17:36 RANSAC-Toolbox-master\Examples\test_RANSAC_plane.m
文件 2921 2014-07-04 17:36 RANSAC-Toolbox-master\Examples\test_RANSAC_RST.m
文件 2487 2014-07-04 17:36 RANSAC-Toolbox-master\Models\Affine\affineLS.m
文件 1912 2014-07-04 17:36 RANSAC-Toolbox-master\Models\Affine\error_affine.m
文件 1258 2014-07-04 17:36 RANSAC-Toolbox-master\Models\Affine\estimate_affine.m
文件 1665 2014-07-04 17:36 RANSAC-Toolbox-master\Models\Affine\mapping_affine.m
文件 881 2014-07-04 17:36 RANSAC-Toolbox-master\Models\Affine\validateMSS_affine.m
文件 1804 2014-07-04 17:36 RANSAC-Toolbox-master\Models\Circle\error_circle.m
文件 1442 2014-07-04 17:36 RANSAC-Toolbox-master\Models\Circle\estimate_circle.m
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