function [levaffsofsx]=activlev(spfsmode)
%ACTIVLEV Measure active speech level as in ITU-T P.56 [LEVAFFSO]=(spFSMODE)
%Usage: (1) lev=activlev(sfs); % speech level in units of power
% (2) db=activlev(sfs‘d‘); % speech level in dB
% (3) s=activlev(sfs‘n‘); % normalize active level to 0 dB
%Inputs: sp is the speech signal (with better than 20dB SNR)
% FS is the sample frequency in Hz (see also FSO below)
% MODE is a combination of the following:
% r - raw omit input filters (default is 200 Hz to 5.5 kHz)
% 0 - no high pass filter (i.e. include DC)
% 4 - high pass filter at 40 Hz (but allows mains hum to pass)
% 1 - use cheybyshev 1 filter
% 2 - use chebyshev 2 filter (default)
% e - use elliptic filter
% h - omit low pass filter at 5.5 kHz
% d - give outputs in dB rather than power
% n - output a normalized speech signal as the first argument
% N - output a normalized filtered speech signal as the first argument
% l - give both active and long-term power levels
% If the “n“ option is specified a speech signal normalized to 0dB will be given as
% the first output followed by the other outputs.
% LEV gives the speech level in units of power (or dB if mode=‘d‘)
% if mode=‘l‘ is specified LEV is a row vector with the “long term
% level“ as its second element (this is just the mean power)
% AF is the activity factor (or duty cycle) in the range 0 to 1
% FSO is a column vector of intermediate information that allows
% you to process a speech signal in chunks. Thus:
% fso=fs; for i=1:inc:nsamp [levfso]=activlev(sp(i:i+inc-1)fsomode); end
% is equivalent to: lev=activlev(sp(1:nsamp)fsmode)
% but is much slower. The two methods will not give identical results
% because they will use slightly different threshods.
%For completeness we list here the contents of the FSO structure:
% ffs : sample frequency
% fmd : mode string
% nh : hangover time in samples
% ae : smoothing filter coefs
% bl : 200Hz HP filter numerator
% al : 200Hz HP filter denominator
% bh : 5.5kHz LP filter numerator
% ah : 5.5kHz LP filter denominator
% ze : smoothing filter state
% zl : 200Hz HP filter state
% zh : 5.5kHz LP filter state
% zx : hangover max filter state
% emax : maximum envelope exponent + 1
% ssq : signal sum of squares
% ns : number of signal samples
% ss : sum of speech samples (not actually used here)
% kc : cumulative occupancy counts
% Copyright (C) Mike Brookes 2008
% Version: $Id: activlev.mv 1.10 2010/08/20 20:54:59 dmb Exp $
% VOICEBOX is a MATLAB toolbox for speech processing.
% Home page: http://www.ee.ic.ac.uk/hp/staff/dm
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 11102 2010-08-20 21:55 activlev.m
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