function T = CreateDatabase(earTrainDatabasePath)
% Align a set of face images (the training set T1 T2 ... TM )
% Description: This function reshapes all 2D images of the training database
% into 1D column vectors. Then it puts these 1D column vectors in a row to
% construct 2D matrix ‘T‘. Each column of ‘T‘ is a training image which has been reshaped into a 1D vector.
% Also P is the total number of MxN training images and C is the number of
% classes.
% Argument: TrainDatabasePath - Path of the training database
% Returns: T - A 2D matrix containing all 1D image vectors.
% The length of 1D column vectors is MN and ‘T‘ will be a MNxP 2D matrix.
% Original version by Amir Hossein Omidvarnia October 2007
% Email: aomidvar@ece.ut.ac.ir
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File management
TrainFiles = dir(earTrainDatabasePath);
Train_Number = 0;
for i = 1:size(earTrainFiles1)
if not(strcmp(TrainFiles(i).name‘.‘)|strcmp(TrainFiles(i).name‘..‘)|strcmp(TrainFiles(i).name‘Thumbs.db‘))
Train_Number = Train_Number + 1; % Number of all images in the training database
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Construction of 2D matrix from 1D image vectors
T = [];
for i = 1 : Train_Number
% I have chosen the name of each image in databases as a corresponding
% number. However it is not mandatory!
str = int2str(i);
str = strcat(‘\‘str‘.jpg‘);
str = strcat(TrainDatabasePathstr);
img = imread(str);
img = rgb2gray(img);
img = imresize(img[4050]);
[irow icol] = size(img);
temp = reshape(img‘irow*icol1); % Reshaping 2D images into 1D image vectors
T = [T temp]; % ‘T‘ grows after each turn
T = double(T);
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 1886 2010-12-06 16:24 FLD_ba
文件 1929 2010-12-06 17:16 FLD_ba
文件 1348 2010-12-06 16:43 FLD_ba
文件 4602 2007-10-27 09:47 FLD_ba
文件 1842 2007-10-21 14:01 FLD_ba
文件 2205 2007-10-21 14:09 FLD_ba
文件 6391 1994-10-05 14:21 FLD_ba
文件 4223 1994-10-05 15:38 FLD_ba
文件 5967 1994-10-05 14:10 FLD_ba
文件 5870 1994-10-05 14:11 FLD_ba
文件 4363 1994-10-05 15:09 FLD_ba
文件 4360 1994-10-05 15:08 FLD_ba
文件 6681 1994-10-05 15:19 FLD_ba
文件 6693 1994-10-05 15:19 FLD_ba
文件 5417 1994-10-05 14:47 FLD_ba
文件 5448 1994-10-05 14:47 FLD_ba
文件 6827 1994-10-05 13:49 FLD_ba
文件 6219 1994-10-05 14:20 FLD_ba
文件 6746 1994-10-05 13:48 FLD_ba
文件 6046 1994-10-05 15:20 FLD_ba
文件 6195 1994-10-05 15:21 FLD_ba
文件 5826 1994-10-05 15:13 FLD_ba
文件 5986 1994-10-05 15:14 FLD_ba
文件 6507 1994-10-05 14:53 FLD_ba
文件 6506 1994-10-05 14:52 FLD_ba
文件 4285 1994-10-05 15:38 FLD_ba
文件 6264 1994-10-05 14:21 FLD_ba
文件 6852 1994-10-05 13:49 FLD_ba
文件 6007 1994-10-05 15:21 FLD_ba
文件 5680 1994-10-05 15:14 FLD_ba
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