function [tpitchFRpath] = pitchestimate(xfsparam)
% PITCHESTIMATE High-accuracy pitch estimation
% [TP] = PITCHESTIMATE(XFs) computes a pitch estimate P at times T
% for the signal X sampled at Fs Hz using default parameters.
% [TP] = PITCHESTIMATE(XFsPARAM) uses the parameter values specified
% in the parameter structure PARAM which must have the following fields
% (units in parentheses default values in brackets)
% minpitch minimum detected pitch (Hz) [75]
% maxpitch maximum detected pitch (Hz) [400]
% timestep window hop (s) [0.01]
% voicingthreshold signal level required for voicing detection [0.4]
% silencethreshold signal level required for silence detection [0.05]
% maxcandidates number of pitch candidates to consider per frame [4]
% octavecost penalty for pitch halving [0.04]
% voicedunvoicedcost penalty for switching voiced/unvoiced between frames [0.2]
% octavejumpcost penalty for switching octaves between frames [0.2]
% The pitch estimation algorithm is based on the Praat pitch estimator described
% in [1].
% References:
% [1] P. Boersma “Accurate Short-Term Analysis of the Fundamental Frequency and
% the Harmonics-to-Noise Ratio of Sampled Sounds“ IFA Proceedings 17 1993
% check number of input arguments
% setup default parameter structure if none specified
if nargin<3
% define default algorithm parameters see [1] for details
param.minpitch = 75; % Hz
param.maxpitch = 400; % Hz
param.timestep = 0.02; % seconds
param.voicingthreshold = 0.4;
param.silencethreshold = 0.05;
param.maxcandidates = 4;
param.octavecost = 0.04;
param.voicedunvoicedcost = 0.2;
param.octavejumpcost = 0.2;
% compute size skip overlap and nfft in samples
winsize = round(fs/(param.minpitch/3)); % use 3 for pitch detection use 6 for HNR
winskip = round(param.timestep * fs);
winolap = winsize - winskip;
winnfft = 2^nextpow2(winsize * 1.5);
% define window
win = hanning(winsize);
% define vector to demean local segments
demean = ones(winnfft1); demean(1)=0;
% compute auto-correlation of window and its reciprocal
rwin = real(ifft(abs(fft(winwinnfft)).^2));
rwinrecip = 1./rwin;
% step 1. determine windowed frames of speech
xbuf = buffer(xwinsizewinolap‘nodelay‘);
r = diag(sparse(win)) * xbuf;
% step 2. compute auto-correlation of all segments
r = real(ifft((diag(sparse(demean))*abs(fft(rwinnfft1))).^2[]1));
% step 3. divide by auto-correlation of the window
r = diag(sparse(rwinrecip)) * r;
% flip matrix top/bottom halves
r = fftshift(r1);
% define time lag and time lags within our pitch range
tau = (-winnfft/2:winnfft/2-1)‘/fs;
mintau = 1/param.maxpitch;
maxtau = 1/param.minpitch;
goodtau = tau>=mintau & tau<=maxtau;
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