function [err] = gasen(trainsettestsetvalidsetpopulationsizeselthresholdhiddenunitnomaxepoch)
% use GASEN to create an ensemble of BP networks
% function [err] = gasen(trainsettestsetvalidsetpopulationsizeselthresholdhiddenunitnomaxepoch)
% to use this function GAOT toolbox must be available. refer: C.R. Houck J.A. Joines and M.G. Kay. A genetic algorithm for
% function optimization: a Matlab implementation Technical Report: NCSU-IE-TR-95-09 North Carolina State University Raleigh
% NC 1995.
% ATTN: This package is free for academic usage. You can run it at your own risk. For other purposes please contact
% Prof. Zhi-Hua Zhou (zhouzh@nju.edu.cn)
% trainset - file path for training set e.g. ‘C:\gasen\train.mat‘ the file should contain two parts
% i.e. traininput and traintarget.
% For classification traintarget is a class matrix where each class label occupys a row
% each column is an output vector where only the element representing the class of current example is ‘1‘.
% for example the traininput and traintarget for XOR problem are respective:
% 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0
% 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1
% For regression traintarget is a vector where each element is the a real-valued output.
% Here the code deals with 1-output regression tasks. It judges whether the task is a classification
% one or regression one through counting the rows of traintarget.
% testset - file path for test set e.g. ‘C:\gasen\test.mat‘ the file should contain two parts
% i.e. testinput and testtarget.
% For classification traintarget is a class matrix where each class label occupys a row
% each column is an output vector where only the element representing the class of current example is ‘1‘.
% For regression traintarget is a vector where each element is the a real-valued output.
% Here the code deals with 1-output regression tasks.
% validset - file path for validation set used in selecting the component networks e.g. ‘C:\gasen\valid.mat‘ the
% file should contain two parts i.e. vinput and vtarget.
% For classification vtarget is a class matrix where each class label occupys a row
% each column is an output vector where only the element representing the class of current example is ‘1‘.
% For regression vtarget is a vector where each element is the a real-valued output.
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 11588 2005-09-06 11:53 Gasen\gasen.m
文件 2351 2004-07-18 11:05 Gasen\gasenEvalC.m
文件 1831 2004-07-18 11:05 Gasen\gasenEvalR.m
目录 0 2005-09-06 11:53 Gasen\
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