function varargout = Huff06(xC ArgLevel ArgSpeed)
% Huff06 Huffman encoder/decoder with (or without) recursive splitting
% Vectors of integers are Huffman encoded
% these vectors are collected in a cell array xC.
% If first argument is a cell array the function do encoding
% else decoding is done.
% [y Res] = Huff06(xC Level Speed); % encoding
% y = Huff06(xC); % encoding
% xC = Huff06(y); % decoding
% ------------------------------------------------------------------
% Arguments:
% y a column vector of non-negative integers (bytes) representing
% the code 0 <= y(i) <= 255.
% Res a matrix that sum up the results size is (NumOfX+1)x4
% one line for each of the input sequences the columns are
% Res(:1) - number of elements in the sequence
% Res(:2) - zero-order entropy of the sequence
% Res(:3) - bits needed to code the sequence
% Res(:4) - bit rate for the sequence Res(:3)/Res(:1)
% Then the last line is total (which include bits needed to store NumOfX)
% xC a cell array of column vectors of integers representing the
% symbol sequences. (should not be to large integers)
% If only one sequence is to be coded we must make the cell array
% like: xC=cell(21); xC{1}=x; % where x is the sequence
% Level How many levels of splitting that is allowed legal values 1-8
% If Level=1 no further splitting of the sequences will be done
% and there will be no recursive splitting.
% Speed For complete coding set Speed to 0. Set Speed to 1 to cheat
% during encoding y will then be a sequence of zeros only
% but it will be of correct length and the other output
% arguments will be correct.
% ------------------------------------------------------------------
% huff06 depends on other functions for Huffman code and the functions in this file
% HuffLen - find length of codewords (HL)
% HuffTabLen - find bits needed to store Huffman table information (HL)
% HuffCode - find huffman codewords
% HuffTree - find huffman tree
% Copyright (c) 1999-2000. Karl Skretting. All rights reserved.
% Hogskolen in Stavanger (Stavanger University) Signal Processing Group
% Mail: karl.skretting@tn.his.no Homepage: http://www.ux.his.no/~karlsk/
% Ver. 1.0 13.06.2000 KS: Function made based on huff04
% Ver. 1.1 20.06.2000 KS: Handle some more exceptions
% Ver. 1.2 21.06.2000 KS: Handle also negative values
% Ver. 1.3 23.06.2000 KS: Use logarithms for some sequences (line 114)
% Ver. 1.4 31.07.2000 KS: If a sequence has many zeros Run + Value coding
% is done. (from line 255 and som
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文件 24949 2020-03-08 22:47 利用DCT变换对灰度图像进行压缩,求出压缩比;对比不同压缩比的图像\Huff06.m
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文件 3880 2020-03-08 22:47 利用DCT变换对灰度图像进行压缩,求出压缩比;对比不同压缩比的图像\HuffLen.m
文件 4283 2020-03-08 22:47 利用DCT变换对灰度图像进行压缩,求出压缩比;对比不同压缩比的图像\HuffTabLen.m
文件 2514 2020-03-08 22:47 利用DCT变换对灰度图像进行压缩,求出压缩比;对比不同压缩比的图像\HuffTree.m
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文件 1424 2020-03-08 22:47 利用DCT变换对灰度图像进行压缩,求出压缩比;对比不同压缩比的图像\mydct2.m
目录 0 2020-03-11 19:45 利用DCT变换对灰度图像进行压缩,求出压缩比;对比不同压缩比的图像
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