Copyright (c) 2010, The MathWorks, Inc.
All rights reserved.
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function [t measurement_overhead measurement_details] = timeit(f num_outputs)
%TIMEIT Measure time required to run function.
% T = TIMEIT(F) measures the time (in seconds) required to run F which is a
% function handle. TIMEIT calls F with either no output arguments or one
% output argument depending on nargout(F).
% T = TIMEIT(FN) calls F with N output arguments. N can be 0 1 2 3 or 4.
% TIMEIT handles automatically the usual benchmarking procedures of “warming
% up“ F figuring out how many times to repeat F in a timing loop etc.
% TIMEIT also compensates for the estimated time-measurement overhead
% associated with tic/toc and with calling function handles. TIMEIT returns
% the median of several repeated measurements.
% Examples
% --------
% How much time does it take to compute sum(A.‘ .* B 1) where A is
% 12000-by-400 and B is 400-by-12000?
% A = rand(12000 400);
% B = rand(400 12000);
% f = @() sum(A.‘ .* B 1);
% timeit(f)
% How much time does it take to call svd with three output arguments?
% X = [1 2; 3 4; 5 6; 7 8];
% f = @() svd(X);
% timeit(f 3)
% How much time does it take to dilate the text.png image with
% a 25-by-25 all-ones structuring element? (This example uses Image Processing
% Toolbox functions.)
% bw = imread(‘text.png‘);
% se = strel(ones(25 25));
% g = @() imdilate(bw se);
% timeit(g)
% Steve Eddins
% Copyright 2008-2010 The MathWorks Inc.
if nargin < 2
num_outputs = min(numOutputs(f) 1);
if num_outputs > 4
warning(‘MATLAB:timeit:tooManyOutputs‘ ...
‘Too many function output arguments specified. timeit will call your function with 4 output arguments.‘);
t_rough = roughEstimate(f num_outputs);
% Calculate the number of inner-loop repetitions so that the inner for-loop
% takes at least about 1ms to execute.
desired_inner_loop_time = 0.001;
num_inner_iterations = max(ceil(desired_inner_loop_time / t_rough) 1);
% Run the outer loop enough times to give a reasonable set of inputs to median.
num_outer_iterations = 11;
% If the estimated running time for the timing loops is too long
% reduce the number of outer loop iterations.
estimated_running_time = num_outer_iterations * num_inner_iterations * t_rough;
long_time = 15;
min_outer_iterations = 3;
if estimated_running_time > long_time
num_outer_iterations = ceil(long_time / (num_inner_iterations * t_rough));
num_outer_iterations = max(num_outer_iterations min_outer_iterations);
times = zeros(num_outer_iterations 1);
for k = 1:num_outer_iterations
% Coding note: An earlier version of this code constructed an “outputs“ cell
% array which was used in comma-separated form for the left-hand side of
% the call to f(). It turned out though that the comma-separated output
% argument
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