function [DCMbn_newDCMbb] = bodupdat(DCMbn_oldang_vect)
%BODUPDAT Update the direction cosine matrix
% for body motion (relative to inertial space).
% The function is thus acting upon the strapdown
% gyro outputs.
% DCMbn_new = bodupdat(DCMbn_oldang_vect)
% or
% [DCMbn_newDCMbb] = bodupdat(DCMbn_oldang_vect)
% DCMbn_old = current direction cosine matrix providing the
% transformation from body to nav coordinates
% ang_vect = incremental integral of body angular
% rate vector; in the absence of coning
% (i.e. angular rate vector is constant
% over the integration interval) this
% is the output of the rate-integrating
% gyros.
% ang_vect(1) = x-component (roll);
% ang_vect(2) = y-component (pitch);
% ang_vect(3) = z-component (yaw);
% DCMbn_new = updated direction cosine matrix relating the
% current body-frame to the previous
% navigation-frame. Note that the update of
% the navigation frame (which is related to
% the local-level frame) is accomplished in
% function LCLEVUPD
% DCMbb = direction cosine matrix providing the
% transformation from the body coordinates at
% time k+1 to the body coordinates at time k
% M. & S. Braasch 4-98
% Copyright (c) 1997-98 by GPSoft LLC
% All Rights Reserved.
if nargin<2error(‘insufficient number of input arguments‘)end
S = skewsymm(ang_vect);
magn = norm(ang_vect);
if magn == 0
DCMbb = eye(3);
DCMbb = eye(3) + (sin(magn)/magn)*S + ( (1-cos(magn))/magn^2 )*S*S;
DCMbn_new = DCMbn_old*DCMbb;
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 1892 1998-07-28 02:53 INS toolbox 3.0\惯导工具箱\bodupdat.m
文件 2554 1998-07-26 07:56 INS toolbox 3.0\惯导工具箱\coriolis.m
文件 3690 1998-08-13 06:45 INS toolbox 3.0\惯导工具箱\crafrate.m
文件 1156 1998-07-26 07:56 INS toolbox 3.0\惯导工具箱\dcm2eulr.m
文件 1104 1998-07-26 07:55 INS toolbox 3.0\惯导工具箱\dcm2llw.m
文件 1343 1997-12-31 04:42 INS toolbox 3.0\惯导工具箱\dcm2qua.m
文件 1610 1998-08-04 01:27 INS toolbox 3.0\惯导工具箱\dcmelgen.m
文件 1558 1998-07-19 01:46 INS toolbox 3.0\惯导工具箱\dcmnbgen.m
文件 1075 1998-08-04 01:28 INS toolbox 3.0\惯导工具箱\dem01plt.m
文件 1601 1998-07-31 08:43 INS toolbox 3.0\惯导工具箱\dem03gen.m
文件 2861 1998-06-17 07:27 INS toolbox 3.0\惯导工具箱\earthrot.m
文件 1493 1998-07-31 06:24 INS toolbox 3.0\惯导工具箱\enu2xyz.m
文件 1334 1997-12-24 07:53 INS toolbox 3.0\惯导工具箱\eulr2dcm.m
文件 1471 1997-12-31 04:31 INS toolbox 3.0\惯导工具箱\eulr2qua.m
文件 640 1998-04-14 02:51 INS toolbox 3.0\惯导工具箱\extrapol.m
文件 3455 1998-08-04 01:30 INS toolbox 3.0\惯导工具箱\gendelcr.m
文件 1811 1998-07-30 08:47 INS toolbox 3.0\惯导工具箱\gendthet.m
文件 1370 1998-08-04 01:31 INS toolbox 3.0\惯导工具箱\gendv.m
文件 3611 1999-04-26 08:54 INS toolbox 3.0\惯导工具箱\gendvcor.m
文件 2684 1998-07-26 08:41 INS toolbox 3.0\惯导工具箱\gendverr.m
文件 3043 1998-08-02 01:38 INS toolbox 3.0\惯导工具箱\gentherr.m
文件 1330 1998-08-04 01:33 INS toolbox 3.0\惯导工具箱\genvelpr.m
文件 1016 1998-07-27 09:03 INS toolbox 3.0\惯导工具箱\gravity.m
文件 3869 1999-04-26 07:17 INS toolbox 3.0\惯导工具箱\greatcir.m
文件 614912 2007-03-05 23:37 INS toolbox 3.0\惯导工具箱\INS Toolbox2003.doc
文件 1756 1998-07-31 06:54 INS toolbox 3.0\惯导工具箱\insdem01.m
文件 4463 1998-07-31 08:54 INS toolbox 3.0\惯导工具箱\insdem02.m
文件 4464 1998-07-31 09:05 INS toolbox 3.0\惯导工具箱\insdem03.m
文件 2208 1998-07-31 09:29 INS toolbox 3.0\惯导工具箱\insdem04.m
文件 5452 1998-08-02 08:10 INS toolbox 3.0\惯导工具箱\insdem05.m
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