function [facets_lbp_nbr_transitionsfacets_lbp_alpha_1 facets_lbp_alpha_2] = mesh_LBP(facevertexfringfacet_descriptor)
%% Computes local binary pattern on triangular mesh manifold knonw as mesh-LBP. This concept was introduced in the papers:
%% N.Werghi S. Berretti A. D. Bimbo “The Mesh-LBP: A framework for Extracting Local Binary Patterns From Discrete Manifolds“
%% IEEE Trans. Image Processing Vol.24. No.1 pp.220-235 2015.
%% N.Werghi C. Tortorici S. Berretti A. Del Bimbo 揕ocal binary patterns on triangular meshes: Concept and applications?
%% Computer Vision and Image Understanding 139: 161-177 (2015)
%% N. Werghi S. Berretti A.D. Bimbo P. Pala 揟he Mesh-LBP: Computing Local Binary Patterns on Discrete Manifolds?
%% Proc. ICCV 2013 workshop on 3D
%% Representation and Recognition 2013 (3dRR-13) pp.562-569
%% Please cite the above papers if you are using this code
%% Input:
%% face: number_facets x 3 array: triangle mesh facets
%% vertex: number_vertex x 3 array: triangle mesh vertices
%% fring: number_facets x 3 array: the adjacency matrix of the mesh
%% facet_descriptor:number_facets x 1 array: scalar function on the mesh it can be a shape or photometric function.
%% Output:
%% facets_lbp_nbr_transitions: number_facets x r array: number of 0-1 transition of teh LBP pattern computed at each facet of the manifold
%% r is the number of rings constructed around a central facte and which defines the radial resolution
%% facets_lbp_alpha_1: number_facets x r array: sum of the binary digits computed at each facet of the manifold (equation (4) in the paper with alpha(k) =1
%% facets_lbp_alpha_2: number_facets x r array: sum of the binary digits computed at each facet of the manifold (equation (4) in the paper with alpha(k) = 2^k
%% The two attached data files sampleMesh and sampleMesh_Cgauss contains an input example.
%% sampleMesh includes face vertex and fring.
%% sampleMesh_Cgauss contains facet_Cgauss a scalar function on sampleMesh representating the Gaussian curvature. This to be used for facet_descriptor
%% copyright (c) Naoufel Werghi 2014
%% Parameters
max_geod_rad = 7 ; % number of rings: defines the radial resolution of the mesh-LBP
nbr_facets = size(face1); % Initialisation of the multi-resolution arrays: 1st column ring1 2nd column ring 2 ...etc
facets_lbp_nbr_transitions= zeros(nbr_facetsmax_geod_rad); % number of 01 transition
facets_lbp_alpha_1= zeros(nbr_facetsmax_geod_rad); % alpha_1 variant corresponding to the sum of the LBP digits (or the number of 1s)
facets_lbp_alpha_2= zeros(nbr_facetsmax_geod_rad); % alpha_2 variant corresponding to
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 26461 2015-12-28 00:51 mesh_LBP.m
文件 635882 2011-10-29 18:45 sampleMesh.mat
文件 111956 2013-06-16 21:24 sampleMesh_Cgauss.mat
文件 1314 2015-12-27 11:59 license.txt
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