
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Neighborhood Grid Cluster NGC %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% The main idea of the approach is that raw data are divided into grids and
% the local density of each grid is simultaneously computed then starting
% with the grid of maximum local density elements that could be inner ones
% of the cluster are gradually added layer-by-layer based on neighborhood relation-ships.
% Edit by suozi 2016.05.18 HIT
% buaasuozi@126.com
% QQ: 379786867
% The information of the paper and this clustering method is as follows:
% @article{Suo2018Neighborhood
% title={Neighborhood grid clustering and its application in fault diagnosis of satellite power system}
% author={Suo Mingliang and Zhu Baolong and Zhou Ding and An Ruoming and Li Shunli}
% journal={Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part G Journal of Aerospace Engineering}
% pages={}
% year={}
% note = {in press DOI: 10.1177/0954410017751991}
% }
% If you use this code please cite the above paper in your work. Copyright@
% Note: Before test this code please modify some of the parameters as follows:
% =================== test result =======================
% intervalN delta bordrate noise
% clouds 100 0.045 0.3 n
% eyes 100 0.04 0.3 n
% threecircles 100 0.07 0.3 n
% forty 100 0.03 0.3 n
% lineblobs 100 0.06 0.3 n
% long1 100 0.06 0.3 y (the normal data)
% spiral 100 0.05 0.3 n
% square1 200 0.028 0.3 y (some overlapping)
% square4 100 0.025 0.3 y (not so good)
% sticks 100 0.03 0.3 n
% 4k2_far 100 0.03 0.3 y
% =========================================================
dataname = ‘clouds‘;
str = strcat(‘load‘32‘.\clusterData\‘dataname‘.mat‘);
data = myscale(data);
% figure
% gscatter(data(:1)data(:2))
% grid on
%% some parameters
checknoise = 1; % if or no to check the noise. 1 is check 0 is not
intervalN = 100;
delta = 0.045; % the neighborhood threshold usually it is [0 1].
% we shouldn‘t check all the elements if there are some ones having been checked. so:
bordrate = 0.3; % the parameter for finding the elements which should be in the current cluster
%% NGC method
[clusterLabelkindofcluster] = NGC(dataintervalNdeltabordratechecknoise);
%% draw
if size(data2) == 2 % plot 2-D
F = gscatter(data(:2)data(:1)clusterLabel(:));
str = strcat(dataname‘:‘32
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2018-03-24 17:20 Neighborhood Grid Cluster_matlab source code4publiction\
文件 6918 2018-03-24 17:14 Neighborhood Grid Cluster_matlab source code4publiction\NGC.m
目录 0 2018-03-24 17:06 Neighborhood Grid Cluster_matlab source code4publiction\clusterData\
文件 4403 2016-05-18 15:47 Neighborhood Grid Cluster_matlab source code4publiction\clusterData\4k2_far.mat
文件 11045 2016-05-17 21:24 Neighborhood Grid Cluster_matlab source code4publiction\clusterData\clouds.mat
文件 7548 2016-05-18 18:13 Neighborhood Grid Cluster_matlab source code4publiction\clusterData\eyes.mat
文件 26508 2016-05-18 18:14 Neighborhood Grid Cluster_matlab source code4publiction\clusterData\forty.mat
文件 8371 2016-05-18 18:15 Neighborhood Grid Cluster_matlab source code4publiction\clusterData\lineblobs.mat
文件 30123 2016-05-18 18:15 Neighborhood Grid Cluster_matlab source code4publiction\clusterData\long1.mat
文件 20498 2016-05-18 18:17 Neighborhood Grid Cluster_matlab source code4publiction\clusterData\spiral.mat
文件 28352 2016-05-18 18:18 Neighborhood Grid Cluster_matlab source code4publiction\clusterData\square1.mat
文件 28923 2016-05-18 18:18 Neighborhood Grid Cluster_matlab source code4publiction\clusterData\square4.mat
文件 15699 2016-05-18 18:19 Neighborhood Grid Cluster_matlab source code4publiction\clusterData\sticks.mat
文件 9403 2016-05-18 18:19 Neighborhood Grid Cluster_matlab source code4publiction\clusterData\threecircles.mat
文件 3358 2018-03-24 17:13 Neighborhood Grid Cluster_matlab source code4publiction\mainAccess.m
文件 1537 2018-03-24 17:17 Neighborhood Grid Cluster_matlab source code4publiction\myind2sub.m
文件 1636 2018-03-24 17:20 Neighborhood Grid Cluster_matlab source code4publiction\myscale.m
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