function [clustCentdata2clustercluster2dataCell] = MeanShiftCluster(dataPtsbandWidthplotFlag);
%perform MeanShift Clustering of data using a flat kernel
% ---INPUT---
% dataPts - input data (numDim x numPts)
% bandWidth - is bandwidth parameter (scalar)
% plotFlag - display output if 2 or 3 D (logical)
% ---OUTPUT---
% clustCent - is locations of cluster centers (numDim x numClust)
% data2cluster - for every data point which cluster it belongs to (numPts)
% cluster2dataCell - for every cluster which points are in it (numClust)
% Bryan Feldman 02/24/06
% MeanShift first appears in
% K. Funkunaga and L.D. Hosteler “The Estimation of the Gradient of a
% Density Function with Applications in Pattern Recognition“
%*** Check input ****
if nargin < 2
error(‘no bandwidth specified‘)
if nargin < 3
plotFlag = true;
plotFlag = false;
%**** Initialize stuff ***
[numDimnumPts] = size(dataPts);
numClust = 0;
bandSq = bandWidth^2;
initPtInds = 1:numPts;
maxPos = max(dataPts[]2); %biggest size in each dimension
minPos = min(dataPts[]2); %smallest size in each dimension
boundBox = maxPos-minPos; %bounding box size
sizeSpace = norm(boundBox); %indicator of size of data space
stopThresh = 1e-3*bandWidth; %when mean has converged
clustCent = []; %center of clust
% beenVisitedFlag = zeros(1numPts‘uint8‘); %track if a points been seen already
beenVisitedFlag = zeros(1numPts);
numInitPts = numPts; %number of points to posibaly use as initilization points
% clusterVotes = zeros(1numPts‘uint16‘); %used to resolve conflicts on cluster membership
clusterVotes = zeros(1numPts);
clusterVotes =uint16(clusterVotes);
while numInitPts
tempInd = ceil( (numInitPts-1e-6)*rand); %pick a random seed point
stInd = initPtInds(tempInd); %use this point as start of mean
myMean = dataPts(:stInd); % intilize mean to this points location
myMembers = []; % points that will get added to this cluster
%thisClusterVotes = zeros(1numPts‘uint16‘); %used to resolve conflicts on cluster membership
thisClusterVotes = zeros(1numPts);
thisClusterVotes =uint16(thisClusterVotes);
while 1 %loop untill convergence
sqDistToAll = sum((repmat(myMean1numPts) - dataPts).^2); %dist squared from mean to all points still active
inInds = find(sqDistToAll < bandSq); %points within bandWidth
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 6302 2017-05-24 21:14 均值漂移聚类算法\MeanShiftCluster.m
文件 1001 2017-05-24 21:14 均值漂移聚类算法\testMeanShift.m
目录 0 2017-12-10 22:14 均值漂移聚类算法\
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