% Generates figures 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 of Boyd & Vandenberghe
% Convex Optimization
% Infeasible start Newton method for solving
% minimize -sum_i log x_i
% subject to Ax = b
% Generate a feasible problem.
n = 100;
m = 50;
A = randn(mn);
x0 = rand(n1);
b = A*x0;
% Apply infeasible Newton method to KKT conditions
% -1./x + A‘*w = 0
% A*x = b
alpha = 0.011;
beta = 0.5;
tol = 1e-12;
maxiters = 20;
x = ones(n1);
w = zeros(m1);
resp = zeros(1 maxiters);
resd = zeros(1 maxiters);
steps = zeros(1 maxiters);
for k=1:maxiters
rp = A*x-b; rd = -1./x + A‘*w;
resp(k) = norm(rp); resd(k) = norm(rd);
normr = norm([rd; rp]);
if normr < 1e-12 break; end;
dw = - (A * diag(x.^2) * A‘) \ (A*((x.^2).*rd) - rp);
dx = - (x.^2) .* (rd + A‘*dw);
s = 1;
while min(x+s*dx) <= 0 s = s*beta; end;
while norm([ -1./(x+s*dx) + A‘*(w+s*dw); A*(x+s*dx)-b ]) > ...
(1-alpha*s) * normr
s = s*beta;
steps(k) = s;
x = x + s*dx;
w = w + s*dw;
% Figure 10.1
semilogy([0:k-1] resp(1:k) ‘o‘ [0:k-1] resp(1:k) ‘-‘ ...
[0:k-1] resd(1:k) ‘o‘ [0:k-1] resd(1:k) ‘--‘);
xlabel(‘iteration number‘)
% Figure 10.2
plot([1:k-1] steps(1:k-1) ‘o‘ [1:k-1] steps(1:k-1) ‘-‘);
xlabel(‘iteration number‘)
ylabel(‘step length‘)
axis([0 12 0.4 1.1]);
% Generate an infeasible problem.
A = randn(mn);
x0 = randn(n1);
b = A*x0;
% Apply infeasible Newton method to KKT conditions
% -1./x + A‘*w = 0
% A*x = b
alpha = 0.011;
beta = 0.5;
tol = 1e-12;
maxiters = 21;
x = ones(n1);
w = zeros(m1);
resp = zeros(1 maxiters);
resd = zeros(1 maxiters);
steps = zeros(1 maxiters);
for k=1:maxiters
rp = A*x-b; rd = -1./x + A‘*w;
resp(k) = norm(rp); resd(k) = norm(rd);
normr = norm([rd; rp]);
if normr < 1e-12 break; end;
dw = - (A * diag(x.^2) * A‘) \ (A*((x.^2).*rd) - rp);
dx = - (x.^2) .* (rd + A‘*dw);
s = 1;
while min(x+s*dx) <= 0 s = s*beta; end;
while norm([ -1./(x+s*dx) + A‘*(w+s*dw); A*(x+s*dx)-b ]) > ...
(1-alpha*s) * normr
s = s*beta;
steps(k) = s;
x = x + s*dx;
w = w + s*dw;
% Figure 10.3
semilogy([0:k-1] resp(1:k) ‘o‘ [0:k-1] resp(1:k) ‘-‘ ...
[0:k-1] resd(1:k) ‘o‘ [0:k-1] resd(1:k) ‘--‘);
xlabel(‘iteration number‘)
% Figure 10.4
plot([1:k-1] steps(1:k-1) ‘o‘ [1:k-1] steps(1:k-1) ‘-‘);
xlabel(‘iteration number‘)
ylabel(‘step length‘)
axis([0 20 0 0.3]);
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 0 2018-12-05 17:31 Boyd鍑镐紭鍖栬祫鏂?
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文件 176 2018-11-29 11:39 __MACOSX\Boyd鍑镐紭鍖栬祫鏂?._chapter 9
目录 0 2018-11-29 11:40 Boyd鍑镐紭鍖栬祫鏂?chapter 10\
文件 3802 2018-11-29 11:40 Boyd鍑镐紭鍖栬祫鏂?chapter 10\figure_10_6.m
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文件 2702 2018-11-29 11:39 Boyd鍑镐紭鍖栬祫鏂?chapter 10\figure_10_1.m
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文件 176 2018-11-29 11:40 __MACOSX\Boyd鍑镐紭鍖栬祫鏂?._chapter 10
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