稀疏编码的matlab 程序实现,UC伯克利written by Bruno Olshausen
* cgf.c: conj. grad. routine for finding optimal s - fast!
#include “mex.h“
extern float frprmn();
#define sgn(x) (x>0 ? 1 : (x<0 ? -1 : 0))
extern __declspec( dllexport )
void cgf(double *Sout double *nits double *nf double *ng
double *Sin double *X int npats
double tol int maxiter int numflag);
/* Input & Output Arguments */
#define A_IN prhs[0] /* basis matrix */
#define X_IN prhs[1] /* data vectors */
#define S_IN prhs[2] /* initial guess for S */
#define LAMBDA_IN prhs[3] /* precision */
#define BETA_IN prhs[4] /* prior steepness */
#define SIGMA_IN prhs[5] /* scaling parameter for prior */
#define TOL_IN prhs[6] /* tolerance */
#define MAXITER_IN prhs[7] /* maximum iterations for dfrpmin */
#define OUTFLAG_IN prhs[8] /* output flag */
#define NUMFLAG_IN prhs[9] /* pattern number output flag */
#define S_OUT plhs[0] /* basis coeffs for each data vector */
#define NITS_OUT plhs[1] /* total iterations done by cg */
#define NF_OUT plhs[2] /* total P(s|xA) calcs */
#define NG_OUT plhs[3] /* total d/ds P(s|xA) calcs */
/* Define indexing macros for matricies */
/* L = dimension of input vectors
* M = number of basis functions
#define A_(ij) A[(i) + (j)*L] /* A is L x M */
#define X_(in) X[(i) + (n)*L] /* X is L x npats */
#define Sout_(in) Sout[(i) + (n)*M] /* S is M x npats */
#define Sin_(in) Sin[(i) + (n)*M] /* S is M x npats */
#define AtA_(ij) AtA[(i) + (j)*M] /* AtA is M x M */
/* Globals for using with frprmin */
static double *A; /* basis matrix */
static int L; /* data dimension */
static int M; /* number of basis vectors */
static double lambda; /* 1/noise_var */
static double beta; /* prior steepness */
static double sigma; /* prior scaling */
static double k1k2k3; /* precomputed constants for f1dim */
static double *x; /* current data vector being fitted */
static double *s0; /* init coefficient vector (1:M) */
static double *d; /* search dir. coefficient vector (1:M) */
static int outflag; /* print search progress */
static double *AtA; /* Only compute A‘*A once (1:M1:M) */
static double *Atx; /* A*x (1:M) */
static int fcount gcount;
static void init_global_arrays()
int ijk;
double *Ai *Aj sum;
x = (double *)malloc(L*sizeof(double));
s0 = (double *)malloc(M*sizeof(double));
d = (double *)malloc(M*sizeof(double));
AtA = (double *)malloc(M*M*sizeof(double));
Atx = (double *)malloc(M*sizeof(double));
/* Calc A‘*A */
for (i = 0; i < M; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < M; j++) {
for (k = 0; k < L; k++) {
sum += Ai[k]*Aj[k];
AtA_(ij) = sum;
static void free_global_arrays() {
free((double *)x);
free((double *)s0);
free((double *)d);
free((double *)AtA);
free((double *)Atx);
float init_f1
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2002-03-11 13:41 Code\Matlab\Bruno\sparsenet\
文件 524472 2002-02-28 11:52 Code\Matlab\Bruno\sparsenet\A16.mat
文件 7457 2002-02-27 12:22 Code\Matlab\Bruno\sparsenet\cgf.c
文件 40960 2002-02-27 13:50 Code\Matlab\Bruno\sparsenet\cgf.dll
文件 35250 2002-02-27 13:50 Code\Matlab\Bruno\sparsenet\cgf.map
文件 1419 2002-02-27 14:35 Code\Matlab\Bruno\sparsenet\cgf_fitS.m
文件 442 1998-04-14 21:43 Code\Matlab\Bruno\sparsenet\display_network.m
文件 20971712 2000-07-12 12:05 Code\Matlab\Bruno\sparsenet\IMAGES.mat
文件 975 2000-07-12 12:07 Code\Matlab\Bruno\sparsenet\make-your-own-images
文件 97 2002-02-27 13:42 Code\Matlab\Bruno\sparsenet\makefile
目录 0 2002-03-11 13:26 Code\Matlab\Bruno\sparsenet\nrf\
文件 1494 2002-03-11 13:25 Code\Matlab\Bruno\sparsenet\nrf\brent.c
文件 2010 2002-03-11 13:25 Code\Matlab\Bruno\sparsenet\nrf\brent.obj
文件 1204 2002-03-11 13:25 Code\Matlab\Bruno\sparsenet\nrf\frprmn.c
文件 1603 2002-03-11 13:25 Code\Matlab\Bruno\sparsenet\nrf\frprmn.obj
文件 447 2002-03-11 13:25 Code\Matlab\Bruno\sparsenet\nrf\linmin.c
文件 664 2002-03-11 13:25 Code\Matlab\Bruno\sparsenet\nrf\linmin.obj
文件 386 2002-02-27 13:44 Code\Matlab\Bruno\sparsenet\nrf\makefile
文件 176 2002-02-26 14:23 Code\Matlab\Bruno\sparsenet\nrf\Makefile.original
文件 386 2002-02-27 13:46 Code\Matlab\Bruno\sparsenet\nrf\Makefile.vc
文件 419 2002-03-11 13:25 Code\Matlab\Bruno\sparsenet\nrf\makefile.vcG6
文件 509 2002-03-11 13:26 Code\Matlab\Bruno\sparsenet\nrf\makefile.vcGB
文件 1309 2002-03-11 13:25 Code\Matlab\Bruno\sparsenet\nrf\mnbrak.c
文件 1814 2002-03-11 13:25 Code\Matlab\Bruno\sparsenet\nrf\mnbrak.obj
文件 45056 2002-02-27 13:44 Code\Matlab\Bruno\sparsenet\nrf\nrfopt.dll
文件 1073 2002-02-27 13:44 Code\Matlab\Bruno\sparsenet\nrf\nrfopt.exp
文件 609 2002-02-27 10:41 Code\Matlab\Bruno\sparsenet\nrf\nrfopt.h
文件 2860 2002-02-27 13:44 Code\Matlab\Bruno\sparsenet\nrf\nrfopt.lib
文件 34854 2002-02-27 13:44 Code\Matlab\Bruno\sparsenet\nrf\nrfopt.map
文件 45056 2002-03-11 13:26 Code\Matlab\Bruno\sparsenet\nrf\nrfoptGB.dll
文件 1081 2002-03-11 13:26 Code\Matlab\Bruno\sparsenet\nrf\nrfoptGB.exp
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