The Micro-Doppler Effect in Radar Matlab DVD文件,希望对大家有帮助
% micro-Doppler signature of rotating ALCM
% ALCM: length of 6.4 m and wingspan of 3.4 m
% rotating (yaw): 0-359 degree;
% Radar Signal: 3 cm wavelength
% 1 us short pulse waveform
% pulse duration 0.0533 us
% Pulse repetition frequency (PRF): 15000 Hz
% ALCM translational velocity: 0
% Number of range samples: 100
% Range dimension: 20 m
% Number of realization (pulses): 8192
% Total rotating time period: 0.55 s
% Data type: complex I&Q
% By V.C.Chen
clear all
% read the ALCM file:
[filename] = ‘RotatingALCM.dat‘;
% read data header and data
[npt1t2t3nrt4]=textread(filename‘%d %s %s %s %d %s‘1);
for k=1:nr
rngpro = fftshift(fft(Cdata)1);
Cdata = Cdata/max(max(abs(Cdata)));
% figure(1)
% colormap(jet)
% imagesc([1 np][1 nr]20*log10(abs(Cdata(:1:10:end)+eps)));
% grid on; box on; zoom on;
% axis xy;
% xlabel(‘Pulses‘);
% ylabel(‘Range cells‘);
% title(‘Range Profiles (dBm^2)‘)
% clim = get(gca‘CLim‘);
% set(gca‘CLim‘clim(2) + [-60 -10]);
% colorbar;
% drawnow
% Micro-Doppler signature
PRF = 15000;
PRI = 1/PRF;
T = PRI*np;
F = 1/PRI;
% analyzed signal
x = sum(Cdata);
% divide long data into a number of shorter (512) data segments
wd = 512;
wdd2 = wd/2;
wdd8 = wd/8;
ns = np/wd; % total number of segments
% calculate short-time Fourier transform for each short data segment
disp(‘Calculating STFT for segments ...‘)
for k = 1:ns
disp(strcat(‘Progress: segment no.‘num2str(k)‘/‘...
sig(1:wd1) = x(1(k-1)*wd+1:(k-1)*wd+wd);
TMP = stft(sig24);
TF2(:(k-1)*wdd8+1:(k-1)*wdd8+wdd8) = TMP(:1:8:wd);
TF = TF2;
disp(‘Calculating STFT for time-shifted segments ...‘)
TF1 = zeros(size(TF));
for k = 1:ns-1
disp(strcat(‘Progress: shifted no.‘num2str(k)‘/‘...
sig(1:wd1) = x(1(k-1)*wd+1+wdd2:(k-1)*wd+wd+wdd2);
TMP = stft(sig24);
TF1(:(k-1)*wdd8+1:(k-1)*wdd8+wdd8) = TMP(:1:8:wd);
disp(‘Removing the edge effect ...‘)
for k = 1:ns-1
TF(:k*wdd8-8:k*wdd8+8) = ...
% display final time-frequency micro-Doppler signature
xlabel(‘Time (s)‘)
ylabel(‘Doppler (Hz)‘)
title(‘Micro-Doppler Signature‘)
axis xy
clim = get(gca‘CLim‘);
set(gca‘CLim‘clim(2) + [-80 -5]);
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2014-05-08 19:35 Chapter 1\
文件 2878 2010-09-14 00:53 Chapter 1\ALCMSignature.m
文件 51274356 2005-08-25 05:37 Chapter 1\RotatingALCM.dat
文件 1127 2010-09-14 00:47 Chapter 1\stft.m
目录 0 2014-05-20 18:58 Chapter 2\
文件 4801 2014-02-27 23:24 Chapter 2\coning_theory.m
文件 5071 2010-09-27 23:58 Chapter 2\precession_theory.m
文件 3207 2014-03-03 20:53 Chapter 2\rotation_theory.m
文件 2464 2010-09-14 01:08 Chapter 2\slidercrankcalculation.m
文件 4426 2014-02-28 21:24 Chapter 2\spinning_theory.m
文件 4418 2014-02-28 22:57 Chapter 2\spinning_theory_modified.m
目录 0 2014-05-08 19:35 Chapter 3\
目录 0 2014-05-08 19:35 Chapter 3\HeavyTop Precession\
文件 459 2010-09-14 06:38 Chapter 3\HeavyTop Precession\EulerTransfMatrix.m
文件 7515 2014-05-07 14:36 Chapter 3\HeavyTop Precession\RadarTopReturns.m
文件 1829 2010-09-14 06:39 Chapter 3\HeavyTop Precession\TopDynamic.m
文件 1138 2010-09-14 03:30 Chapter 3\HeavyTop Precession\XConvention.m
文件 1508 2010-09-14 09:25 Chapter 3\HeavyTop Precession\circularplate.m
文件 1455 2010-09-16 10:12 Chapter 3\HeavyTop Precession\cylinder3.m
文件 1238 2010-09-15 04:42 Chapter 3\HeavyTop Precession\rcscircplate.m
文件 2661 2010-09-15 04:43 Chapter 3\HeavyTop Precession\rcsfrustum.m
文件 1127 2010-09-14 00:47 Chapter 3\HeavyTop Precession\stft.m
目录 0 2014-05-08 19:35 Chapter 3\Helicopter Rotor Blades\
文件 5319 2010-09-14 03:47 Chapter 3\Helicopter Rotor Blades\RadarRectBladeReturns.m
文件 3064 2010-09-14 03:50 Chapter 3\Helicopter Rotor Blades\RotorBladesTheory.m
文件 1138 2010-09-14 03:30 Chapter 3\Helicopter Rotor Blades\XConvention.m
文件 783 2010-09-15 04:39 Chapter 3\Helicopter Rotor Blades\rcs_rect.m
文件 1127 2010-09-14 00:47 Chapter 3\Helicopter Rotor Blades\stft.m
目录 0 2014-05-08 19:35 Chapter 3\Pendulum\
文件 1356 2010-09-14 02:00 Chapter 3\Pendulum\Pendulum.m
文件 1342 2010-09-14 02:12 Chapter 3\Pendulum\PendulumDamping.m
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