function [X accuracy avgTime] = fsc_main(Y A D L sc_algo trainLabel testLabel numClass displayProgressFlag)
% ---------------------------------------------------
% Fast Sparse Representation with Prototypes: fsc_main
% Functionality:
% Find the approaximated sparse solution x of the linear system y=Ax
% Dimension: m --- number of measurement
% Nt--- number of testing samples
% Nd--- number of training samples
% Dimension Description
% input: Y m x Nt --- the testing sample
% A m x Nd --- the training sample
% D m x K --- the learned dictionary
% trainLabel 1 x Nt --- the label of training sample
% L --- the number of atoms in OMP
% sc_algo --- the sparse coding algorithm
% e.g. l1magic SparseLab fast_sc SL0 YALL1
% output: X K x Nt --- the sparse coefficient matrix of Y
% accuracy --- accuracy of the classification task
% avgTime --- average runtime for sparse coding
% Reference: Jia-Bin Huang and Ming-Hsuan Yang “Fast Sparse Representation with Prototypes.“ the 23th IEEE Conference
% on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 10‘) San Francisco CA USA June 2010.
% Contact: For any questions email me by jbhuang@ieee.org
% ---------------------------------------------------
[m Nt]= size(Y);
[m Nd]= size(A);
[m K]= size(D);
X = zeros(Nd Nt);
% Compute the new representation of A as W
WA = OMP(D A L);
% Compute the new representation of Y as Wy
WY = OMP(D Y L);
% Compute the sparse representation X
Ainv = pinv(A);
for i = 1: Nt
% Inital guess
xInit = Ainv * Y(:i);
xp = zeros(Nd1);
% new representation of the test sample y
w_y = WY(:i);
% keep columns with a least one overlapped support and dicard the rest
[WA_reduced releventPosition] = reduceMatrix(w_y WA);
% sparse coding: solve a reduced linear system
xpReduced = sparse_coding_methods(xInit(releventPosition) WA_reduced w_y sc_algo);
t = toc;
sumTime = sumTime+t;
X(: i) = xp;
% Predict label of the test sample
residuals = zeros(1numClass);
for iClass = 1: numClass
xpClass = xp;
xpClass(trainLabel~= iClass) = 0;
residuals(iClass) = norm(Y(:i) - A*xpClass);
[val ind] = min(residuals);
correctSample = correctSample+1;
avgTime = sumTime/i;
accuracy = correctSample / i;
fprintf(‘Accuracy = %f %% (%d out of %d) speed = %f s\n‘ accuracy*100 correctSample i avgTime);
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 2795 2010-06-01 16:41 FSR code\fsc_main.asv
文件 3054 2010-06-01 19:32 FSR code\fsc_main.m
文件 884 2010-05-27 19:46 FSR code\fsr_main.asv
文件 3499 2010-06-01 15:48 FSR code\getTrainTestData.asv
文件 2838 2010-06-01 17:14 FSR code\getTrainTestData.m
文件 528 2010-05-31 22:27 FSR code\labelPrediction.asv
文件 1573 2010-06-01 18:07 FSR code\readme.txt
文件 1393 2010-06-01 18:05 FSR code\reduceMatrix.m
文件 3117 2010-06-01 19:36 FSR code\run_sparsity_ba
文件 2421 2010-06-01 17:59 FSR code\sc_main.m
文件 1643 2010-06-01 18:03 FSR code\sparse_coding_methods.m
文件 185727 2005-09-11 15:43 FSR code\tools\dictionary learning\KSVD_Matlab_ToolBox\barbara.png
文件 177762 2005-09-11 15:44 FSR code\tools\dictionary learning\KSVD_Matlab_ToolBox\boat.png
文件 1907 2009-09-03 10:54 FSR code\tools\dictionary learning\KSVD_Matlab_ToolBox\demo1.m
文件 3561 2006-12-12 09:13 FSR code\tools\dictionary learning\KSVD_Matlab_ToolBox\demo2.m
文件 8504 2006-12-28 13:57 FSR code\tools\dictionary learning\KSVD_Matlab_ToolBox\demo3.m
文件 5426 2007-01-24 07:53 FSR code\tools\dictionary learning\KSVD_Matlab_ToolBox\denoiseImageDCT.m
文件 6046 2006-12-12 09:18 FSR code\tools\dictionary learning\KSVD_Matlab_ToolBox\denoiseImageGlobal.m
文件 9088 2007-01-24 07:53 FSR code\tools\dictionary learning\KSVD_Matlab_ToolBox\denoiseImageKSVD.m
文件 3246 2007-01-25 08:39 FSR code\tools\dictionary learning\KSVD_Matlab_ToolBox\displayDictionaryElementsAsImage.asv
文件 3224 2007-01-25 08:39 FSR code\tools\dictionary learning\KSVD_Matlab_ToolBox\displayDictionaryElementsAsImage.m
文件 1896 2006-12-11 14:25 FSR code\tools\dictionary learning\KSVD_Matlab_ToolBox\gererateSyntheticDictionaryAndData.m
文件 5749450 2005-09-21 08:35 FSR code\tools\dictionary learning\KSVD_Matlab_ToolBox\globalTrainedDictionary.mat
文件 34985 2005-09-11 15:44 FSR code\tools\dictionary learning\KSVD_Matlab_ToolBox\house.png
文件 12292 2009-09-03 10:54 FSR code\tools\dictionary learning\KSVD_Matlab_ToolBox\KSVD.m
文件 11585 2006-12-28 14:02 FSR code\tools\dictionary learning\KSVD_Matlab_ToolBox\KSVD_NN.m
文件 151199 2005-09-11 15:44 FSR code\tools\dictionary learning\KSVD_Matlab_ToolBox\lena.png
文件 8053 2006-12-12 08:35 FSR code\tools\dictionary learning\KSVD_Matlab_ToolBox\MOD.m
文件 631 2006-12-11 09:56 FSR code\tools\dictionary learning\KSVD_Matlab_ToolBox\my_im2col.m
文件 1105 2006-12-24 16:00 FSR code\tools\dictionary learning\KSVD_Matlab_ToolBox\NN_BP.m
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