function p = genpathPMTK(d isMatlab)
% Like built-in genpath but omits directories unwanted directories:
% e.g. .svn cvs private deprecated +package
% For best performance optionally specify whether this is Matlab (as
% opposed to Octave).
% This file is from pmtk3.googlecode.com
if nargin==0
p = genpath(fullfile(matlabroot ‘toolbox‘));
if length(p) > 1
p(end) = [];
end % Remove trailing pathsep
if nargin > 1 && ~isMatlab %isempty(strfind(upper(matlabroot) ‘MATLAB‘)) % octave
p = genpath(d); % genpathPMTK is not reliable in Octave
% initialise variables
methodsep = ‘@‘; % qualifier for overloaded method directories
p = ‘‘; % path to be returned
% Generate path based on given root directory
files = dir(d);
if isempty(files)
% Add d to the path even if it is empty.
p = [p d pathsep];
% set logical vector for subdirectory entries in d
isdir = logical(cat(1 files.isdir));
% Recursively descend through directories which are neither
% private nor “class“ directories.
dirs = files(isdir); % select only directory entries from the current listing
for i=1:length(dirs)
dirname = dirs(i).name;
if ~strcmp( dirname ‘.‘) && ...
~strcmp( dirname ‘..‘) && ...
~strncmp( dirname methodsep 1) && ...
~strcmp( dirname ‘private‘) && ...
~strcmp( dirname ‘deprecated‘) && ...
~strcmp( dirname ‘.svn‘) && ...
~strcmp( dirname ‘CVS‘) && ...
~strncmp( dirname ‘+‘ 1)
p = [p genpathPMTK(fullfile(d dirname))]; %#ok recursive calling of this function.
% function p = genpathOctave(d)
% %% Prototoype version that may not work reliably
% fullp = genpath(d);
% [start finish] = regexp(fullp pathsep);
% if isempty(start)
% tokens = {fullp};
% else
% tokens = cell(numel(start+1) 1);
% tokens{1} = fullp(1:start(1)-1);
% start = [start length(fullp)+1];
% for i=1:numel(finish)
% tokens{i+1} = fullp(finish(i)+1:start(i+1)-1);
% end
% end
% tokens(cellfun(@(c)isempty(c) tokens)) = [];
% ndx = cellfun(@(c)~isempty(c) strfind(tokens ‘.svn‘));
% tokens(ndx) = [];
% tokens = cellfun(@(t)[t pathsep] tokens ‘uniformoutput‘ false);
% p = [tokens{:}];
% if isempty(p)
% p = ‘‘;
% end
% end
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2013-10-17 13:50 hmmtoolbox\
文件 818349 2013-08-27 10:40 hmmtoolbox\hmm-matlab (1).zip
目录 0 2013-10-17 13:51 hmmtoolbox\pmtk3-3jan11\
文件 403 2013-06-21 15:51 hmmtoolbox\pmtk3-3jan11\Unti
文件 194 2012-01-03 21:50 hmmtoolbox\pmtk3-3jan11\config-local.txt
文件 735 2011-02-09 17:12 hmmtoolbox\pmtk3-3jan11\config-old.txt
文件 973 2012-01-03 21:50 hmmtoolbox\pmtk3-3jan11\config.txt
目录 0 2013-10-17 13:50 hmmtoolbox\pmtk3-3jan11\demos\
文件 962 2011-02-27 14:31 hmmtoolbox\pmtk3-3jan11\demos\IPFdemo2x2.m
文件 1116 2011-02-27 14:31 hmmtoolbox\pmtk3-3jan11\demos\IPFdemo4Cycle.m
文件 595 2011-02-27 14:31 hmmtoolbox\pmtk3-3jan11\demos\IPFdemoIndep2d.m
文件 1410 2011-02-27 14:31 hmmtoolbox\pmtk3-3jan11\demos\KLfwdReverseMixGauss.m
文件 642 2011-02-28 14:50 hmmtoolbox\pmtk3-3jan11\demos\KLpqGauss.m
文件 1354 2011-02-27 14:31 hmmtoolbox\pmtk3-3jan11\demos\LMSdemo.m
文件 937 2011-02-27 14:31 hmmtoolbox\pmtk3-3jan11\demos\LMSdemoSimple.m
文件 1200 2011-12-15 09:13 hmmtoolbox\pmtk3-3jan11\demos\NIXdemo2.m
文件 925 2011-12-15 09:13 hmmtoolbox\pmtk3-3jan11\demos\PRhand.m
文件 1568 2011-02-27 14:31 hmmtoolbox\pmtk3-3jan11\demos\ROChand.m
文件 807 2011-02-27 14:31 hmmtoolbox\pmtk3-3jan11\demos\agglomDemo.m
文件 1330 2011-02-27 14:31 hmmtoolbox\pmtk3-3jan11\demos\alarmBelPropDemo.m
文件 2276 2011-02-27 14:31 hmmtoolbox\pmtk3-3jan11\demos\alarmDgmTimingComparison.m
文件 537 2011-02-27 14:31 hmmtoolbox\pmtk3-3jan11\demos\alarmNetworkFitTest.m
文件 1041 2011-02-27 14:31 hmmtoolbox\pmtk3-3jan11\demos\alarmTest.m
文件 1096 2011-04-02 16:39 hmmtoolbox\pmtk3-3jan11\demos\anscombe.m
文件 3017 2011-02-27 14:31 hmmtoolbox\pmtk3-3jan11\demos\arsDemo.m
文件 1269 2011-12-15 09:13 hmmtoolbox\pmtk3-3jan11\demos\arsEnvelope.m
文件 743 2011-12-15 09:13 hmmtoolbox\pmtk3-3jan11\demos\bayesChangeOfVar.m
文件 891 2011-04-02 16:39 hmmtoolbox\pmtk3-3jan11\demos\bayesFactorHandedness.m
文件 5058 2011-12-15 09:13 hmmtoolbox\pmtk3-3jan11\demos\bayesLinRegDemo2d.m
文件 6884 2011-02-27 14:31 hmmtoolbox\pmtk3-3jan11\demos\bayesRiskDemo.m
文件 698 2011-02-27 14:31 hmmtoolbox\pmtk3-3jan11\demos\bayesTtestDemo.m
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