% Matlab Hyperspectral Toolbox
% Copyright 2008-2009 Isaac Gerg
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% A Note on Notation
% Hyperspectral data is often expressed many ways to better describe the
% mathematical handling of the data; mainly as a vector of pixels when
% referring to the data in a space or a matrix of pixels when referring to
% data as an image.
% For consistency a common notation is defined to
% differentiate these concepts clearly. Hyperspectral data examined like an
% image will be defined as a matrix Mm譶譸 of dimension m ?n ?p where m
% is defined as the number of rows in the image n is defined as the
% number of columns in the image and p is defined as the number of bands
% in the image. Therefore a single element of such an image will be
% accessed using Mijk and a single pixel of an image will be accessed
% using Mij: Hyperspectral data formed as a vector of vectors
% (i.e. 2D matrix) is defined as M(m穘)譸 of dimension (m?n)譸.
% A single element is accessed using Mij and a single pixel is
% accessed using M:j . Notice the multi-element notation is consistent
% with MatlabTM this is intentional.
% The list below provides a summary of the notation convention used
% throughout this code.
% M Data matrix. Defined as an image of spectral signatures or vectors:
% Mm譶譸. Or defined as a long vector of spectral signatures:
% M(m穘)譸.
% N The total number of pixels. For example N = m ?n.
% m Number of rows in the image.
% n Number of columns in the image.
% p Number of bands.
% q Number of classes / endmembers.
% U Matrix of endmembers. Each column of the matrix represents an
% endmember vector.
% b Observation vector; a single pixel.
% x Weight vector. A matrix of weight vectors forms an abundance
% map.
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Dependencies
% FastICA - http://www.cis.hut.fi/projects/ica/fastica/code/dlcode.shtml
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Functions
% Reading/Writing Data Files
% hyperReadAvirisRfl - Reads AVIRIS .rfl files
% hyperReadAvirisSpc - Read AVIRIS .spc files
% hyperReadAsd - Reads ASD Fieldspec files. (.asd .000 etc)
% Data Formatting
% hyperConvert2D - Converts data from a 3D HSI data cube to a 2D matrix
% hyperConvert3D - Converts data from a 2D matrix to a 3D HSI data cube
% hyperNormalize - Normalizes data to be in range of [01]
% hyperConvert2Jet - Converts a 2D matrix to jet colormap values
% hyperResample - Resamples hyperspectral data to new wavelength set
% Unmixing
% hyperAtgp - ATGP algorithm
% hyperIcaEea - ICA-Endmember Extraction Algorithm
% hyperIcaComponentScores - Computes ICA component scores for relevance
% hyperVca - Vertex Component Analysis
% hyperPPI - Pixel Purity Index
% Target Detection
% hyperACE - Adaptive cos
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 9520 2006-10-02 11:43 matlab_hyperspectral_toolbox\HIAT2.0\HIAT 2.0\about.fig
文件 2239 2006-12-01 13:39 matlab_hyperspectral_toolbox\HIAT2.0\HIAT 2.0\about.p
文件 2483 2006-12-01 13:39 matlab_hyperspectral_toolbox\HIAT2.0\HIAT 2.0\accuracy.p
文件 9424 2005-12-09 10:15 matlab_hyperspectral_toolbox\HIAT2.0\HIAT 2.0\accuracyDisplay.fig
文件 2507 2006-12-01 13:39 matlab_hyperspectral_toolbox\HIAT2.0\HIAT 2.0\accuracyDisplay.p
文件 1231 2006-12-01 13:39 matlab_hyperspectral_toolbox\HIAT2.0\HIAT 2.0\angledet.p
文件 3098 2006-12-01 13:39 matlab_hyperspectral_toolbox\HIAT2.0\HIAT 2.0\band_selection.p
文件 6605 2006-12-01 13:39 matlab_hyperspectral_toolbox\HIAT2.0\HIAT 2.0\buttonNext.p
文件 6529 2006-12-01 13:39 matlab_hyperspectral_toolbox\HIAT2.0\HIAT 2.0\buttonPrevious.p
文件 1071 2006-12-01 13:39 matlab_hyperspectral_toolbox\HIAT2.0\HIAT 2.0\buttonsave_rsFcn.p
文件 337 2006-12-01 13:39 matlab_hyperspectral_toolbox\HIAT2.0\HIAT 2.0\button_quitFcn.p
文件 1450 2006-12-01 13:39 matlab_hyperspectral_toolbox\HIAT2.0\HIAT 2.0\button_viewrgb_Callback.p
文件 18190 2006-12-01 13:39 matlab_hyperspectral_toolbox\HIAT2.0\HIAT 2.0\classify_image.p
文件 6935 2006-12-01 13:39 matlab_hyperspectral_toolbox\HIAT2.0\HIAT 2.0\classStats.p
文件 7656 2005-05-27 13:12 matlab_hyperspectral_toolbox\HIAT2.0\HIAT 2.0\classStatsFcn.fig
文件 22306 2006-12-01 13:39 matlab_hyperspectral_toolbox\HIAT2.0\HIAT 2.0\classStatsFcn.p
文件 2058 2006-12-01 13:39 matlab_hyperspectral_toolbox\HIAT2.0\HIAT 2.0\Class_Stats_Fcn.p
文件 377 2006-12-01 13:39 matlab_hyperspectral_toolbox\HIAT2.0\HIAT 2.0\class_stat_vis.p
文件 2703 2006-12-01 13:39 matlab_hyperspectral_toolbox\HIAT2.0\HIAT 2.0\confirmation_for_editing.p
文件 126 2006-12-01 13:39 matlab_hyperspectral_toolbox\HIAT2.0\HIAT 2.0\Contents.p
文件 790 2006-12-01 13:39 matlab_hyperspectral_toolbox\HIAT2.0\HIAT 2.0\correlation.p
文件 794 2006-12-01 13:39 matlab_hyperspectral_toolbox\HIAT2.0\HIAT 2.0\correlation_Fcn.p
文件 15528 2006-01-10 16:40 matlab_hyperspectral_toolbox\HIAT2.0\HIAT 2.0\cropGUI.fig
文件 11547 2006-12-01 13:39 matlab_hyperspectral_toolbox\HIAT2.0\HIAT 2.0\cropGUI.p
文件 1019 2006-12-01 13:39 matlab_hyperspectral_toolbox\HIAT2.0\HIAT 2.0\cube2pix.p
文件 12152 2006-02-02 14:39 matlab_hyperspectral_toolbox\HIAT2.0\HIAT 2.0\da_reduction.fig
文件 2268 2006-12-01 13:39 matlab_hyperspectral_toolbox\HIAT2.0\HIAT 2.0\da_reduction.p
文件 14851 2006-12-01 13:39 matlab_hyperspectral_toolbox\HIAT2.0\HIAT 2.0\da_subFcn.p
文件 3294 2006-12-01 13:39 matlab_hyperspectral_toolbox\HIAT2.0\HIAT 2.0\drawpol.p
文件 6286 2006-12-01 13:39 matlab_hyperspectral_toolbox\HIAT2.0\HIAT 2.0\echo2x2.p
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