冈萨雷斯 数字图像处理 matlab书本图片、代码、工具箱
% DIPUM Toolbox.
% Version 1.1.4 15-July-2006
% M-files from the book Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB by
% R.C. Gonzalez R.E. Woods and S.L. Eddins Prentice Hall 2004.
% http://www.prenhall.com/gonzalezwoodseddins
% Release information.
% Readme - Information about current and previous versions.
% Image display.
% ice - Interactive color editing.
% rgbcube - Display a color RGB cube.
% Geometric transformations.
% pixeldup - Duplicate pixels of an image in both directions.
% vistformfwd - Visualize forward geometric transformation.
% Pixel values and statistics.
% covmatrix - Covariance matrix of vector population.
% statmoments - Statistical central moments of image histogram.
% Image analysis including segmentation description recognition.
% bayesgauss - Bayes classifier for Gaussian patterns.
% bound2eight - Convert 4-connected boundary to 8-connected.
% bound2four - Convert 8-connected boundary to 4-connected.
% bound2im - Convert boundary to image.
% boundaries - Trace region boundaries.
% bsubsamp - Subsample a boundary.
% colorgrad - Vector gradient of RGB image.
% colorseg - Segment a color image.
% connectpoly - Connect vertices of polygon.
% diameter - Measure diameter of image regions.
% fchcode - Freeman chain code of boundary.
% frdescp - Fourier descriptors.
% hough - Hough transform.
% houghlines - Extract line segments using Hough transform.
% houghpeaks - Detect peaks in Hough transform.
% houghpixels - Image pixels associated with Hough transform bin.
% ifrdescp - Inverse Fourier descriptors.
% imstack2vectors - Extract vectors from image stack.
% invmoments - Invariant moments of image.
% mahalanobis - Mahalanobis distance.
% minperpoly - Minimum perimeter polygon.
% polyangles - Internal angles of polygon vertices.
% princomp - Principal-component vectors.
% randvertex - Randomly perturb polygon vertices.
% regiongrow - Segmentation by region growing.
% signature - Signature of boundary.
% specxture - Spectral texture of image.
% splitmerge - Segment image using split-and-merge.
% statxture - Statistical texture measures of image.
% strsimilarity - Similarity measurement between two strings.
% x2majoraxis - Align coordinate x with major axis of region.
% Image compression.
% compare - Compute and display error between two matrices.
% entropy - Estimate entropy of a matrix.
% huff2mat - Decode a Huffman-encoded matrix.
% huffman - Build Huffman code for symbol source.
% im2jpeg - Compress image using JPEG approximation.
% im2jpeg2k - Compress image using JPEG 2000 approximation.
% imratio - Byte ratio for two image files or variables.
% jpeg2im - Decompress an
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 5567 2010-02-03 20:28 冈萨雷斯数字图像处理源代码\0_Read_Me_First.txt
文件 1572 2010-02-03 20:28 冈萨雷斯数字图像处理源代码\adpmedian.m
文件 651 2010-02-03 20:28 冈萨雷斯数字图像处理源代码\average.m
文件 3034 2010-02-03 20:28 冈萨雷斯数字图像处理源代码\bayesgauss.m
文件 3063 2010-02-03 20:28 冈萨雷斯数字图像处理源代码\bound2eight.m
文件 2477 2010-02-03 20:28 冈萨雷斯数字图像处理源代码\bound2four.m
文件 2224 2010-02-03 20:28 冈萨雷斯数字图像处理源代码\bound2im.m
文件 5776 2010-02-03 20:28 冈萨雷斯数字图像处理源代码\boundaries.m
文件 3966 2010-02-03 20:28 冈萨雷斯数字图像处理源代码\bsubsamp.m
文件 28150 2008-09-18 23:10 冈萨雷斯数字图像处理源代码\CH10.m
文件 8784 2008-09-23 21:30 冈萨雷斯数字图像处理源代码\CH11.m
文件 4907 2008-09-22 22:20 冈萨雷斯数字图像处理源代码\CH12.m
文件 3639 2010-09-28 22:50 冈萨雷斯数字图像处理源代码\CH2.m
文件 6011 2010-09-28 22:58 冈萨雷斯数字图像处理源代码\CH3.m
文件 9714 2008-09-28 21:58 冈萨雷斯数字图像处理源代码\CH4.m
文件 12078 2008-10-08 18:39 冈萨雷斯数字图像处理源代码\CH5.m
文件 9259 2008-09-19 14:55 冈萨雷斯数字图像处理源代码\CH6.m
文件 7683 2007-09-05 19:24 冈萨雷斯数字图像处理源代码\CH7.m
文件 7441 2009-01-05 10:40 冈萨雷斯数字图像处理源代码\CH8.m
文件 19824 2008-04-26 10:26 冈萨雷斯数字图像处理源代码\CH9.m
文件 592 2010-02-03 20:28 冈萨雷斯数字图像处理源代码\changeclass.m
文件 2353 2010-02-03 20:28 冈萨雷斯数字图像处理源代码\colorgrad.m
文件 2428 2010-02-03 20:28 冈萨雷斯数字图像处理源代码\colorseg.m
文件 1177 2010-02-03 20:28 冈萨雷斯数字图像处理源代码\compare.m
文件 1040 2010-02-03 20:28 冈萨雷斯数字图像处理源代码\connectpoly.m
文件 6129 2010-02-03 20:28 冈萨雷斯数字图像处理源代码\Contents.m
文件 799 2010-02-03 20:28 冈萨雷斯数字图像处理源代码\conwaylaws.m
文件 977 2010-02-03 20:28 冈萨雷斯数字图像处理源代码\covmatrix.m
文件 5712 2002-03-26 18:06 冈萨雷斯数字图像处理源代码\de2bi.m
文件 687 2010-02-03 20:28 冈萨雷斯数字图像处理源代码\dftcorr.m
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- 数字图像处理MATLAB版
- 精通MATLAB数字图像处理与识别.pdf
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- 数字图像处理的MATLAB实现第二版 源码
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