classdef ncorr < handle
% Programmed by: Justin Blaber
% Principle Investigator: Antonia Antoniou
% Start Ncorr with:
% handles_ncorr = ncorr;
% NOTE: Images/masks can be set using the GUI menu or by using
% “handles_ncorr.set_ref(data)“ “handles_ncorr.set_cur(data)“
% “handles_ncorr.set_roi_ref(data)“ or “handles_ncorr.set_roi_cur(data)“.
% These will manually set the reference image current image(s) or
% region of interest if these have been calculated or
% modified using MATLAB and exist in the main workspace. Sometimes the
% reference and current images can be obtained using an average of a
% series of images. The region of interest can also be calculated using
% various thresholding and edge detecting algorithms. Displacement and
% strain data can be obtained through handles_ncorr.data_dic in case the
% user is interested in doing further calculations on the deformation
% data. In addition if the menu freezes for some reason due to an error
% it can be unfrozen with “handles_ncorr.refresh()“. Lastly calling
% “delete(handles_ncorr)“ will force close Ncorr.
% 1) All program data and appdata in the ncorr object are SET by callbacks directly.
% 2) “Downstream“ program data (i.e. dependent data) and appdata are
% CLEARED with the “clear_downstream()“ function before setting the
% new data.
% 3) UI objects are modified by the update* functions through the wrapper
% function “util_wrapcallbackall“ and not within callback directly.
% The point of doing this was to make each callback as clear and
% uncluttered as possible. The clearing of “downstream“ data and updating
% of UI controls are mainly for upkeep.
% 1) Update UI controls. Generally if a menu option updates information
% it will freeze the top menu to prevent users from calling other
% options while the first one is running.
% 2) Check if data will be overwritten with: “overwrite = clear_downstream(‘callback‘)“
% This returns a logical value which is true if the user chooses
% to proceed and also clears the downstream data.
% 3) Perform calculations
% 4) If calculations succeed store the data directly in the callback
% 5) Update UI controls. This unfreezes the top menu and updates it
% as well as sets any images (such as the reference/current image)
% if they were loaded.
% These functions contain GUIs which are called b
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2018-03-30 01:58 ncorr_2D_matlab-master\
文件 989 2018-03-30 01:58 ncorr_2D_matlab-master\README.md
文件 1534 2018-03-30 01:58 ncorr_2D_matlab-master\license.txt
文件 217947 2018-03-30 01:58 ncorr_2D_matlab-master\ncorr.m
文件 3793 2018-03-30 01:58 ncorr_2D_matlab-master\ncorr_alg_addanalysis.m
文件 10457 2018-03-30 01:58 ncorr_2D_matlab-master\ncorr_alg_adddisp.cpp
文件 88814 2018-03-30 01:58 ncorr_2D_matlab-master\ncorr_alg_calcseeds.cpp
文件 82478 2018-03-30 01:58 ncorr_2D_matlab-master\ncorr_alg_convert.cpp
文件 7437 2018-03-30 01:58 ncorr_2D_matlab-master\ncorr_alg_convertanalysis.m
文件 28743 2018-03-30 01:58 ncorr_2D_matlab-master\ncorr_alg_convertseeds.m
文件 17773 2018-03-30 01:58 ncorr_2D_matlab-master\ncorr_alg_dicanalysis.m
文件 11413 2018-03-30 01:58 ncorr_2D_matlab-master\ncorr_alg_dispgrad.cpp
文件 4374 2018-03-30 01:58 ncorr_2D_matlab-master\ncorr_alg_extrapdata.cpp
文件 3481 2018-03-30 01:58 ncorr_2D_matlab-master\ncorr_alg_formboundary.cpp
文件 17011 2018-03-30 01:58 ncorr_2D_matlab-master\ncorr_alg_formmask.cpp
文件 5727 2018-03-30 01:58 ncorr_2D_matlab-master\ncorr_alg_formregions.cpp
文件 8805 2018-03-30 01:58 ncorr_2D_matlab-master\ncorr_alg_formthreaddiagram.cpp
文件 5429 2018-03-30 01:58 ncorr_2D_matlab-master\ncorr_alg_formunion.cpp
文件 3244 2018-03-30 01:58 ncorr_2D_matlab-master\ncorr_alg_interpqbs.m
文件 83816 2018-03-30 01:58 ncorr_2D_matlab-master\ncorr_alg_rgdic.cpp
文件 6970 2018-03-30 01:58 ncorr_2D_matlab-master\ncorr_alg_seedanalysis.m
文件 3489 2018-03-30 01:58 ncorr_2D_matlab-master\ncorr_alg_testopenmp.cpp
文件 24879 2018-03-30 01:58 ncorr_2D_matlab-master\ncorr_class_img.m
文件 68115 2018-03-30 01:58 ncorr_2D_matlab-master\ncorr_class_roi.m
文件 48410 2018-03-30 01:58 ncorr_2D_matlab-master\ncorr_datatypes.cpp
文件 3825 2018-03-30 01:58 ncorr_2D_matlab-master\ncorr_datatypes.h
文件 25475 2018-03-30 01:58 ncorr_2D_matlab-master\ncorr_gui_drawroi.m
文件 49552 2018-03-30 01:58 ncorr_2D_matlab-master\ncorr_gui_formatdisp.m
文件 20754 2018-03-30 01:58 ncorr_2D_matlab-master\ncorr_gui_getunitconv.m
文件 5051 2018-03-30 01:58 ncorr_2D_matlab-master\ncorr_gui_loadroi.m
文件 19358 2018-03-30 01:58 ncorr_2D_matlab-master\ncorr_gui_seedanalysis.m
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