function bb()
% BB Bouncing Ball Physics
% BB is a graphical User Interface that creates a simple simulation of a ball bouncing
% off the ground.
% Ball Parameters are:
% Height from the center of the ball to the ground is 10. This is constant and cannot
% change. Instead change the other parameters since they‘re all relative.
% Radius: Radius of the ball. It‘s best to put it between 1 and 9. Any value equal to
% or above 10 will present problems as 10 is the distance from the centre of the ball
% to the ground.
% Gravity: Affect the ratio in which the ball gains speed in the negative Y direction.
% Initial Yv: Initial velocity in the Y direction. Can be positive negative or anything.
% Initial Xv: Initial velocity in the X direction. Can be positive negative or anything.
% Vertical Speed Conservation (%): Affects how much energy (velocity) is retained in the
% Y direction after hitting the ground. A value of 0 to 100 is normal. A value of 0 means
% no energy is retained and the ball comes to a halt after hitting the ground. A value
% of 100 means all energy is retained and the ball will bounce indefinitely. A value of
% over 100 will cause energy to increase after hitting the ground.
% Horizontal Speed Conservation (%): Same as Vertical Speed Conservation but in the
% X direction.
% Colour: Three element vector ([R G B]) in which the ball appears in. Each
% element should be between or equal 0 and 1.
% Plotting a path enables you to see the x-y diagram of the ball‘s movement and gives
% you the ability to pan the axes with the mouse.
% To launch the GUI type bb in the command window with this file in the current
% directory. Alternatively you can choose Debug -> Run from this editor window or
% press F5.
% Tested on MATLAB 7.4 (R2007a)
% Husam Aldahiyat 2009
% numandina@gmail.com
figure(‘units‘‘normalized‘‘position‘[.2 .2 .65 .65]‘menubar‘‘none‘‘numbertitle‘‘off‘‘color‘‘w‘‘name‘‘Bouncing Ball‘)
axes(‘position‘[.25 .05 .65 .75])
ed1=uicontrol(‘style‘‘edit‘‘units‘‘normalized‘‘position‘[.025 .895 .1 .05]‘backgroundcolor‘‘w‘‘string‘‘1‘‘callback‘@init);
uicontrol(‘style‘‘text‘‘units‘‘normalized‘‘position‘[.025 .96 .1 .025]‘backgroundcolor‘‘w‘‘string‘‘Radius‘);
ed2=uicontrol(‘style‘‘edit‘‘units‘‘normalized‘‘position‘[.025 .775 .1 .05]‘backgroundcolor‘‘w‘‘string‘‘9.81‘);
uicontrol(‘style‘‘text‘‘units‘‘normalized‘‘position‘[.025 .84 .1 .025]‘backgroundcolor‘‘w‘‘string‘‘Gravity‘);
ed3=uicontrol(‘style‘‘edit‘‘units‘‘normalized‘‘position‘[.025 .65 .1 .05]‘backgroundcolor‘‘w‘‘string‘‘0‘);
uicontrol(‘style‘‘text‘‘units‘‘normalized‘‘position‘[.025 .72 .1 .025]‘backgroundcolor‘‘w‘‘string‘‘Initial Yv‘);
ed4=uicontrol(‘style‘‘edit‘‘units‘‘normalized‘‘position‘[.025 .535 .1 .05]‘backgroundcolor‘‘w‘‘string‘‘500‘);
uicontrol(‘style‘‘text‘‘units‘‘normalized‘‘position‘[.025 .6 .1
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
.CA.... 143945 2010-09-11 11:44 自制抽签\1.jpg
.CA.... 300 2011-12-15 19:49 自制抽签\1.txt
.CA.... 204062 2003-12-27 12:03 自制抽签\1024.gif
.CA.... 840599 2011-12-15 19:34 自制抽签\1024.jpg
.CA.... 14674 2011-12-13 22:39 自制抽签\268649696(1).html
.CA.... 6729 2011-12-13 22:38 自制抽签\268649696.html
.CA.... 6022 2011-08-18 19:57 自制抽签\bb.m
.CA.... 716173 2011-12-15 19:54 自制抽签\choose\distrib\choose.exe
.CA.... 2869 2011-12-15 19:53 自制抽签\choose\distrib\readme.txt
.CA.... 716173 2011-12-15 19:54 自制抽签\choose\src\choose.exe
.CA.... 2884 2011-12-15 19:53 自制抽签\choose\src\choose_delay_load.c
.CA.... 4390 2011-12-15 19:53 自制抽签\choose\src\choose_main.c
.CA.... 6835 2011-12-15 19:53 自制抽签\choose\src\choose_mcc_component_data.c
.CA.... 1059084 2011-12-15 19:53 自制抽签\choose\src\mccExcludedFiles.log
.CA.... 2869 2011-12-15 19:53 自制抽签\choose\src\readme.txt
.CA.... 43499 2011-12-15 19:54 自制抽签\choose.prj
.CA.... 198980 2011-12-15 19:14 自制抽签\chouqian\distrib\chouqian.exe
.CA.... 2871 2011-12-15 19:14 自制抽签\chouqian\distrib\readme.txt
.CA.... 198980 2011-12-15 19:14 自制抽签\chouqian\src\chouqian.exe
.CA.... 2890 2011-12-15 19:14 自制抽签\chouqian\src\chouqian_delay_load.c
.CA.... 4364 2011-12-15 19:14 自制抽签\chouqian\src\chouqian_main.c
.CA.... 6817 2011-12-15 19:14 自制抽签\chouqian\src\chouqian_mcc_component_data.c
.CA.... 1059084 2011-12-15 19:14 自制抽签\chouqian\src\mccExcludedFiles.log
.CA.... 2871 2011-12-15 19:14 自制抽签\chouqian\src\readme.txt
.CA.... 143945 2010-09-11 11:44 自制抽签\chouqian\源文件\1.jpg
.CA.... 5419 2011-12-14 23:10 自制抽签\chouqian\源文件\example.fig
.CA.... 10710 2011-12-14 23:10 自制抽签\chouqian\源文件\example.m
.CA.... 952 2011-12-13 23:07 自制抽签\chouqian\源文件\q.txt
.CA.... 43228 2011-12-15 19:50 自制抽签\chouqian.prj
.CA.... 2095 2011-12-13 23:43 自制抽签\cq.fig
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