% THE SPIDER Version 1.71 (24/7/2006) -- Current Repository
% Basic library objects.
% data - Storing input data and output results
% data_global - Implementation of data object that limits memory overhead
% algorithm - Generic algorithm object
% group - Groups sets of objects together (algorithms or data)
% loss - Evaluates loss functions
% get_mean - Takes mean loss over groups of algs
% chain - Builds chains of objects: output of one to input of another
% param - To train and test different hyperparameters of an object
% cv - Cross validation using objects given data
% kernel - Evaluates and caches kernel functions
% distance - Evaluates and caches distance functions
% Statistical Tests objects.
% wilcoxon - Wilcoxon test of statistical significance of results
% corrt_test - Corrected resampled t-test - for dependent trials
% Dataset objects.
% spiral - Spiral dataset generator.
% toy - Generator of dataset with only a few relevant features
% toy2d - Simple 2d Gaussian problem generator
% toyreg - Linear Regression with o outputs and n inputs
% Pre-Processing objects
% normalize - Simple normalization of data
% map - General user specified mapping function of data
% Density Estimation objects.
% parzen - Parzen‘s windows kernel density estimator
% indep - Density estimator which assumes feature independence
% bayes - Classifer based on density estimation for each class
% gauss - Normal distribution density estimator
% Pattern Recognition objects.
% svm - Support Vector Machine (svm)
% c45 - C4.5 for binary or multi-class
% knn - k-nearest neighbours
% platt - Conditional Probability estimation for margin classifiers
% mksvm - Multi-Kernel LP-SVM
% anorm - Minimize the a-norm in alpha space using kernels
% lgcz - Local and Global Consistent Learner
% bagging - Bagging Classifier
% adaboost - ADABoost method
% hmm - Hidden Markov Model
% loom - Leave One Out Machine
% l1 - Minimize l1 norm of w for a linear separator
% kde - Kernel Dependency Estimation: general input/output machine
% dualperceptron - Kernel Perceptron
% ord_reg_perceptron - Ordinal Regression Perceptron (Shen et al.)
% splitting_perceptron - Splitting Perceptron (Shen et al.)
% budget_perceptron - Sparse online Pereceptron (Crammer et al.)
% randomforest - Random Forest Decision Trees WEKA-Required
% j48 - J48 Decision Trees for binary WEKA-Required
% Multi-Class and Multi-label objects.
% one_vs_rest - Voting method of one against the rest (also for multi-label)
% one_vs_one - Voting method of one against one
% mc
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 2941 2004-03-31 10:40 spider_jul2406\spider\basic\@algorithm\algorithm.m
文件 154 2003-05-12 14:38 spider_jul2406\spider\basic\@algorithm\am_i_data.m
文件 1434 2003-05-12 14:38 spider_jul2406\spider\basic\@algorithm\display.m
文件 1526 2003-05-12 14:38 spider_jul2406\spider\basic\@algorithm\display_simple.m
文件 2111 2004-03-11 19:12 spider_jul2406\spider\basic\@algorithm\extract.m
文件 254 2003-05-12 14:38 spider_jul2406\spider\basic\@algorithm\gen.m
文件 155 2004-03-26 00:36 spider_jul2406\spider\basic\@algorithm\get_name.m
文件 56 2004-03-23 22:03 spider_jul2406\spider\basic\@algorithm\isdeferred.m
文件 3354 2004-11-18 08:31 spider_jul2406\spider\basic\@algorithm\subsasgn.m
文件 2943 2004-08-23 19:07 spider_jul2406\spider\basic\@algorithm\subsref.m
文件 2211 2004-12-02 23:39 spider_jul2406\spider\basic\@algorithm\test.m
文件 3690 2004-11-18 08:31 spider_jul2406\spider\basic\@algorithm\train.m
文件 3929 2004-03-26 00:36 spider_jul2406\spider\basic\@algorithm\traintest.m
文件 437 2003-05-12 14:38 spider_jul2406\spider\basic\@algorithm\traintests.m
文件 1112 2006-07-24 15:44 spider_jul2406\spider\basic\@chain\chain.m
文件 1461 2003-05-12 14:38 spider_jul2406\spider\basic\@chain\display.m
文件 3417 2004-08-23 19:07 spider_jul2406\spider\basic\@chain\subsasgn.m
文件 2998 2004-08-23 19:07 spider_jul2406\spider\basic\@chain\subsref.m
文件 105 2003-05-12 14:38 spider_jul2406\spider\basic\@chain\testing.m
文件 249 2003-05-12 14:38 spider_jul2406\spider\basic\@chain\training.m
文件 2334 2006-07-24 15:44 spider_jul2406\spider\basic\@cv\cv.m
文件 1829 2003-05-12 14:38 spider_jul2406\spider\basic\@cv\display.m
文件 372 2003-05-12 14:38 spider_jul2406\spider\basic\@cv\get_name.m
文件 3418 2004-08-23 19:07 spider_jul2406\spider\basic\@cv\subsasgn.m
文件 3007 2004-08-23 19:07 spider_jul2406\spider\basic\@cv\subsref.m
文件 640 2003-05-12 14:38 spider_jul2406\spider\basic\@cv\testing.m
文件 4370 2006-02-08 13:08 spider_jul2406\spider\basic\@cv\training.m
文件 720 2003-05-12 14:38 spider_jul2406\spider\basic\@data\concatenate.m
文件 2514 2006-02-18 21:40 spider_jul2406\spider\basic\@data\data.asv
文件 2569 2006-07-24 15:44 spider_jul2406\spider\basic\@data\data.m
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