function Status = ACCOSin(varargin)
% ACCOSin - Read an ACCOS .len file into ZEMAX.
% Usage : Status = ACCOSin
% The following return values are possible
% 0 : Success
% -1 : User Canceled operation or file not found
% If there are multiple .len files seperated with ‘LIB PUT‘ commands as for a library dump then
% each lens is saved as a .zmx file and given the name in the lens idendification line of the input.
% In this case ACCOSin will ask for the directory in which to store the library dump.
% MZDDE - The ZEMAX DDE Toolbox for Matlab.
% Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Defencetek CSIR
% Contact : dgriffith@csir.co.za
% This file is part of MZDDE.
% MZDDE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License or
% (at your option) any later version.
% MZDDE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with MZDDE (COPYING.html); if not write to the Free Software
% Foundation Inc. 59 Temple Place Suite 330 Boston MA 02111-1307 USA
% $Revision: 1.7 $
% Still to implement and fix
% --------------------------
% Plain SCY (not FANG) in multi-config.
% CVX RDX etc - all cylindrical components.
% COCY and other solves.
% Investigate why so many YD pikups are being ignored. Seems to be for good reason ie. target of
% pikup has no tilts or decenters therefore safe to ignore.
% Create log file with copy of narrative. Include surface numbers for both ACCOS and ZEMAX files.
% Look at FNBY FNBX
Revision = ‘$Revision: 1.7 $‘;
RevDate = ‘$Date: 2005-04-22 09:36:02+02 $‘;
Revision = Revision(11:(size(Revision2)-1));
RevDate = RevDate(7:(size(RevDate2)-1));
disp([‘ACCOS Leno Importer for ZEMAX. Version‘ Revision]);
disp([‘Derek Griffith‘ RevDate]);
Status = zDDEInit;
if (Status)
uiwait(msgbox(‘ZEMAX is not Running.‘ ‘ZEMAX Error‘ ‘error‘ ‘modal‘));
oldPWD = PWD;
DefaultDir = ‘c:\popdist‘;
if (~exist(DefaultDir ‘dir‘)) DefaultDir = ‘c:\‘; end;
ACCDir = getenv(‘ACCOS‘);
if (strcmp(ACCDir ‘‘)) ACCDir = DefaultDir; end;
FilterSpec = {‘cpfile‘ ‘ACCOS CPFILE‘; ‘*.len;*.leno‘ ‘ACCOS Leno Files‘; ‘*.*‘ ‘All Files‘ };
[iFile iPath] = uigetfile(FilterSpec ‘Open ACCOS File‘);
if (iFile) % Seem to have a file to read ACCOS input from
Status = ReadACCOSFile(fullfile(iPath iFile));
Status = -1; zddeclose; cd(oldPWD); return;
function Status = ReadACCOSFile(Filename)
% Read in the ACCOS LEN File
global ACCOSMaterials ZEMAXMaterials
LibDumpPath = ‘‘;
% Here
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 61089 2005-04-22 09:36 Zemax DDE toolbox for Matlab\MZDDE\ACCOSin.m
文件 1640 2005-04-22 09:36 Zemax DDE toolbox for Matlab\MZDDE\BIMwrite.m
文件 1591 2004-12-16 15:46 Zemax DDE toolbox for Matlab\MZDDE\BIMwrite.m.bak
文件 1539 2004-11-22 01:09 Zemax DDE toolbox for Matlab\MZDDE\Bugs to Fix.txt
文件 2907 2005-04-22 09:25 Zemax DDE toolbox for Matlab\MZDDE\Census.asv
文件 61787 2005-04-22 09:54 Zemax DDE toolbox for Matlab\MZDDE\Census.html
文件 3112 2005-04-22 09:35 Zemax DDE toolbox for Matlab\MZDDE\Census.m
文件 2621 2004-12-16 15:46 Zemax DDE toolbox for Matlab\MZDDE\Census.m.bak
文件 13040 2004-11-21 08:55 Zemax DDE toolbox for Matlab\MZDDE\Census.rpt
文件 44573 2005-04-22 09:54 Zemax DDE toolbox for Matlab\MZDDE\Census.sgml
文件 256 2005-04-22 09:54 Zemax DDE toolbox for Matlab\MZDDE\Census_html_files\image-filelist.mat
文件 9528 2004-10-29 09:35 Zemax DDE toolbox for Matlab\MZDDE\CIE\CIE.mat
文件 108544 2004-07-26 15:50 Zemax DDE toolbox for Matlab\MZDDE\CIE\CIE.xls
文件 2094 2004-12-01 16:07 Zemax DDE toolbox for Matlab\MZDDE\CIE\CIEreadme.txt
文件 1017 2004-07-26 14:46 Zemax DDE toolbox for Matlab\MZDDE\CIE\CIEs0.txt
文件 1007 2004-07-26 14:46 Zemax DDE toolbox for Matlab\MZDDE\CIE\CIEs1.txt
文件 917 2004-07-26 14:48 Zemax DDE toolbox for Matlab\MZDDE\CIE\CIEs2.txt
文件 1347 2004-07-26 14:48 Zemax DDE toolbox for Matlab\MZDDE\CIE\CIEsia.txt
文件 1226 2004-07-26 14:48 Zemax DDE toolbox for Matlab\MZDDE\CIE\CIEsid65.txt
文件 795 2004-07-26 14:49 Zemax DDE toolbox for Matlab\MZDDE\CIE\CIEx10.txt
文件 782 2004-07-26 14:49 Zemax DDE toolbox for Matlab\MZDDE\CIE\CIEx2.txt
文件 762 2004-07-26 14:49 Zemax DDE toolbox for Matlab\MZDDE\CIE\CIEy10.txt
文件 717 2004-07-26 14:49 Zemax DDE toolbox for Matlab\MZDDE\CIE\CIEy2.txt
文件 443 2004-07-26 14:49 Zemax DDE toolbox for Matlab\MZDDE\CIE\CIEz10.txt
文件 531 2004-07-26 14:50 Zemax DDE toolbox for Matlab\MZDDE\CIE\CIEz2.txt
文件 15596 2005-04-22 09:35 Zemax DDE toolbox for Matlab\MZDDE\Contents.m
文件 18629 2004-12-04 12:26 Zemax DDE toolbox for Matlab\MZDDE\COPYING.html
文件 215 2004-12-01 16:14 Zemax DDE toolbox for Matlab\MZDDE\CVRL\CVRLReadme.txt
文件 1335 2004-12-11 11:50 Zemax DDE toolbox for Matlab\MZDDE\CVRL\lensss.txt
文件 6615 2004-12-11 11:50 Zemax DDE toolbox for Matlab\MZDDE\CVRL\lensss_1.txt
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