拨号文件为:Dail.m 检测文件为:Detect.m
function y=awgn(varargin)
%AWGN Add white Gaussian noise to a signal.
% Y = AWGN(XSNR) adds white Gaussian noise to X. The SNR is in dB.
% The power of X is assumed to be 0 dBW. If X is complex then
% AWGN adds complex noise.
% Y = AWGN(XSNRSIGPOWER) when SIGPOWER is numeric it represents
% the signal power in dBW. When SIGPOWER is ‘measured‘ AWGN measures
% the signal power before adding noise.
% Y = AWGN(XSNRSIGPOWERS) uses S which is a random stream handle to
% generate random noise samples with RANDN. If S is an integer then
% resets the state of RANDN to S. The latter usage is obsoleted and may
% be removed in a future release. If you want to generate repeatable
% noise samples then provide the handle of a random stream or use reset
% method on the default random stream. Type ‘help RandStream‘ for more
% information.
% Y = AWGN(XSNRSIGPOWERSTATE) resets the state of RANDN to STATE.
% This usage is deprecated and may be removed in a future release.
% Y = AWGN(... POWERTYPE) specifies the units of SNR and SIGPOWER.
% POWERTYPE can be ‘db‘ or ‘linear‘. If POWERTYPE is ‘db‘ then SNR
% is measured in dB and SIGPOWER is measured in dBW. If POWERTYPE is
% ‘linear‘ then SNR is measured as a ratio and SIGPOWER is measured
% in Watts.
% Example 1:
% % To specify the power of X to be 0 dBW and add noise to produce
% % an SNR of 10dB use:
% X = sqrt(2)*sin(0:pi/8:6*pi);
% Y = awgn(X100);
% Example 2:
% % To specify the power of X to be 3 Watts and add noise to
% % produce a linear SNR of 4 use:
% X = sqrt(2)*sin(0:pi/8:6*pi);
% Y = awgn(X43‘linear‘);
% Example 3:
% % To cause AWGN to measure the power of X and add noise to
% % produce a linear SNR of 4 use:
% X = sqrt(2)*sin(0:pi/8:6*pi);
% Y = awgn(X4‘measured‘‘linear‘);
% Example 4:
% % To specify the power of X to be 0 dBW add noise to produce
% % an SNR of 10dB and utilize a local random stream use:
% S = RandStream(‘mt19937ar‘‘seed‘5489);
% X = sqrt(2)*sin(0:pi/8:6*pi);
% Y = awgn(X100S);
% Example 5:
% % To specify the power of X to be 0 dBW add noise to produce
% % an SNR of 10dB and produce reproducible results use:
% reset(RandStream.getGlobalStream)
% X = sqrt(2)*sin(0:pi/8:6*pi);
% Y = awgn(X100S);
% See also WGN RANDN RandStream/RANDN and BSC.
% Copyright 1996-2011 The MathWorks Inc.
% --- Initial checks
% --- Value set indicators (used for the string flags)
pModeSet = 0;
measModeSet = 0;
% --- Set default values
sigPower = 0;
pMode = ‘db‘;
measMode = ‘specify‘;
state = [];
% --- Placeholder for the signature string
sigStr = ‘‘;
% --- Identify string and numeric arguments
isStream = false;
for n=1:nargin
sigStr(size(sigStr2)+1) = ‘/‘;
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 7390 2014-12-25 20:01 My_DSP\awgn.m
文件 3713 2014-12-25 23:38 My_DSP\Dail.m
文件 383567 2014-12-26 14:14 My_DSP\dailing.mat
文件 304531 2015-01-04 13:39 My_DSP\Dailing.txt
文件 4620 2014-12-26 14:34 My_DSP\Detect.m
文件 510 2014-12-26 01:49 My_DSP\Document.txt
文件 719744 2015-01-05 22:13 My_DSP\DSP实验报告.pdf
文件 45 2014-12-25 23:47 My_DSP\TestSignal.txt
文件 6563 2014-12-25 20:01 My_DSP\wgn.m
目录 0 2015-01-05 22:13 My_DSP
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
1430683 10
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