Marine Systems Simulator matlab toolbox
% Marine Systems Simulator (MSS)
% The MSS is a Matlab/Simulink library and simulator for marine systems. It
% includes models for ships underwater vehicles and floating structures.
% The library also contains guidance navigation and control (GNC) blocks
% for real-time simulation.
% The MSS software has been developed at NTNU since 1991 as a joint effort
% between several professors MSc and PhD students:
% Please use the following reference when using MSS:
% MSS (2009). Marine Systems Simulator. Viewed dd.mm.yyyy
% http://www.marinecontrol.org.
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Click on one of the following links to display the library functions:
% mss\gnc - MSS GNC (m-file library)
% mss\hydro - MSS Hydro (additional functions for hydrodynamics)
% The GNC and HYDRO simulink libraries are added to the Simulink library
% browser as MSS GNC and MSS Hydro. You can also open the libraries by typing:
% >>marine_gnc - MSS GNC (Simulink library)
% >>marine_hydro - MSS Hydro (Simulink library)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% MSS GNC is a Matlab toolbox for guidance navigation and control.
% The toolbox is part of the Marine Systems Simulator (MSS).
% Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Thor I. Fossen and Tristan Perez
% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation either version 3 of the License or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful but
% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program. If not see .
% E-mail: contact@marinecontrol.org
% URL:
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 5387 2009-09-08 18:19 gnc\Contents.m
文件 3686 2008-12-01 13:05 gnc\gnc_mfiles\blendermann94.m
文件 1317 2008-03-25 23:17 gnc\gnc_mfiles\conversion.m
文件 1560 2008-03-25 23:17 gnc\gnc_mfiles\deg2deg180.m
文件 942 2008-03-25 23:10 gnc\gnc_mfiles\demos\Contents.m
文件 1076 2008-03-25 23:11 gnc\gnc_mfiles\demos\GNCDemo.m
文件 2907 2008-03-25 23:11 gnc\gnc_mfiles\demos\KinDemo.m
文件 1287 2008-03-25 23:12 gnc\gnc_mfiles\demos\ManDemo.m
文件 1107 2008-03-25 23:12 gnc\gnc_mfiles\demos\SimDemo.m
文件 2136 2008-03-25 23:12 gnc\gnc_mfiles\demos\SimDemo1.m
文件 3161 2008-03-25 23:12 gnc\gnc_mfiles\demos\SimDemo2.m
文件 2495 2008-03-25 23:12 gnc\gnc_mfiles\demos\StabDemo.m
文件 1817 2008-12-10 16:36 gnc\gnc_mfiles\demos\WaveDemo.m
文件 1818 2008-03-25 23:17 gnc\gnc_mfiles\ecef2llh.m
文件 1510 2008-03-25 23:18 gnc\gnc_mfiles\encounter.m
文件 1349 2008-03-25 23:18 gnc\gnc_mfiles\euler2.m
文件 1937 2008-03-25 23:18 gnc\gnc_mfiles\euler2q.m
文件 1553 2008-03-25 23:18 gnc\gnc_mfiles\eulerang.m
文件 3201 2008-03-25 23:13 gnc\gnc_mfiles\examples\Contents.m
文件 2209 2008-03-25 23:13 gnc\gnc_mfiles\examples\ExKT.m
文件 2111 2008-12-10 17:12 gnc\gnc_mfiles\examples\ExLinspec.m
文件 4625 2008-03-25 23:14 gnc\gnc_mfiles\examples\ExLQFinHor.m
文件 1625 2008-03-25 23:14 gnc\gnc_mfiles\examples\ExLQR.m
文件 1517 2008-03-25 23:14 gnc\gnc_mfiles\examples\ExLQtrack.m
文件 1618 2008-03-25 23:14 gnc\gnc_mfiles\examples\ExMDS.m
文件 2941 2008-03-25 23:15 gnc\gnc_mfiles\examples\ExMSI.m
文件 2621 2008-03-25 23:15 gnc\gnc_mfiles\examples\ExNomoto.m
文件 1919 2008-03-25 23:15 gnc\gnc_mfiles\examples\ExObsCtr.m
文件 1789 2008-03-25 23:15 gnc\gnc_mfiles\examples\ExPassiveObs.m
文件 7416 2008-03-25 23:15 gnc\gnc_mfiles\examples\ExPathGen.m
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