function [PSNR y_est] = BM3D(y z sigma profile print_to_screen)
% BM3D is algorithm for attenuation of additive white Gaussian noise from
% grayscale images. This algorithm reproduces the results from the article:
% [1] K. Dabov A. Foi V. Katkovnik and K. Egiazarian “Image denoising
% by sparse 3D transform-domain collaborative filtering“
% IEEE Transactions on Image Processing December 2006 in review
% preprint at http://www.cs.tut.fi/~foi/GCF-BM3D.
% [PSNR y_est] = BM3D(y z sigma profile print_to_screen)
% ! The function can work without any of the input arguments
% in which case the internal default ones are used !
% Case 1) Using the default parameters (i.e. image name sigma etc.)
% [PSNR y_est] = BM3D;
% Case 2) Using an external noisy image:
% % Read a grayscale image and scale its intensities in range [01]
% y = im2double(imread(‘Cameraman256.png‘));
% % Generate the same seed used in the experimental results of [1]
% randn(‘seed‘ 0);
% % Standard deviation of the noise --- corresponding to intensity
% % range [0255] despite that the input was scaled in [01]
% sigma = 25;
% % Add the AWGN with zero mean and standard deviation ‘sigma‘
% z = y + (sigma/255)*randn(size(y));
% % Denoise ‘z‘. The denoised image is ‘y_est‘ and ‘NA = 1‘ because
% % the true image was not provided
% [NA y_est] = BM3D(1 z sigma);
% % Compute the putput PSNR
% PSNR = 10*log10(1/mean((y(:)-y_est(:)).^2))
% % show the noisy image ‘z‘ and the denoised ‘y_est‘
% figure; imshow(z);
% figure; imshow(y_est);
% Case 3) If the original image y is provided as the first input
% argument then some additional information is printed (PSNRs
% figures etc.). That is “[NA y_est] = BM3D(1 z sigma);“ in the
% above code should be replaced with:
% [PSNR y_est] = BM3D(y z sigma);
% 1) y (matrix M x N): Noise-free image (needed for computing PSNR)
% replace with the scalar 1 if not available.
% 2) z (matrix M x N): Noisy image (intensities in range [01] or [0255])
% 3) sigma (double) : Std. dev. of the noise (corresponding to intensities
% in range [0255] even if the range of z is [01])
% 4) profile (char) : ‘np‘ --> Normal Profile
% ‘lc‘ --> Fast Profile
% 5) print_to_screen : 0 --> do not print output information (and do
% not plot figures)
% 1 --> print information and plot figures
% 1) PSNR (double) : Output PSNR (dB) only if the original
% image is available otherwise PSNR = 0
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 21697 2009-06-17 14:55 BM3D\BM3D.m
文件 17116 2009-06-17 14:54 BM3D\BM3DDEB.m
文件 17668 2009-06-17 14:58 BM3D\BM3DSHARP.m
文件 180038 2009-06-17 13:08 BM3D\bm3d_thr.mexa64
文件 198707 2009-05-27 10:31 BM3D\bm3d_thr.mexglx
文件 200704 2007-01-17 14:17 BM3D\bm3d_thr.mexw32
文件 195584 2008-10-17 14:52 BM3D\bm3d_thr.mexw64
文件 110712 2009-06-17 13:08 BM3D\bm3d_thr_color.mexa64
文件 158284 2008-11-18 11:41 BM3D\bm3d_thr_color.mexglx
文件 151552 2008-11-18 17:34 BM3D\bm3d_thr_color.mexw32
文件 124928 2008-10-17 15:32 BM3D\bm3d_thr_color.mexw64
文件 175956 2009-06-17 13:08 BM3D\bm3d_thr_colored_noise.mexa64
文件 260360 2008-11-18 11:44 BM3D\bm3d_thr_colored_noise.mexglx
文件 217088 2008-11-18 19:14 BM3D\bm3d_thr_colored_noise.mexw32
文件 196608 2008-10-16 19:06 BM3D\bm3d_thr_colored_noise.mexw64
文件 144444 2009-06-17 13:08 BM3D\bm3d_thr_sharpen_var.mexa64
文件 235818 2008-11-18 11:49 BM3D\bm3d_thr_sharpen_var.mexglx
文件 188416 2008-11-18 17:11 BM3D\bm3d_thr_sharpen_var.mexw32
文件 158208 2008-10-17 12:26 BM3D\bm3d_thr_sharpen_var.mexw64
文件 204696 2009-06-17 13:08 BM3D\bm3d_thr_video.mexa64
文件 166577 2008-11-20 12:11 BM3D\bm3d_thr_video.mexglx
文件 196608 2007-03-12 00:03 BM3D\bm3d_thr_video.mexw32
文件 193536 2008-11-19 23:25 BM3D\bm3d_thr_video.mexw64
文件 122697 2009-06-17 13:08 BM3D\bm3d_wiener.mexa64
文件 129108 2009-05-27 10:31 BM3D\bm3d_wiener.mexglx
文件 131072 2007-03-06 15:51 BM3D\bm3d_wiener.mexw32
文件 144896 2008-10-17 14:56 BM3D\bm3d_wiener.mexw64
文件 122779 2009-06-17 13:08 BM3D\bm3d_wiener_color.mexa64
文件 170317 2008-11-18 11:41 BM3D\bm3d_wiener_color.mexglx
文件 159744 2008-11-18 17:50 BM3D\bm3d_wiener_color.mexw32
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