This package is used for calling r language from matlab Most of the files already exist on the Internet But I wrote five to complement this package
1 In R enter:
>install packages "rscproxy"
2 Install statconnDCOM latest
3 Download the Matlab R Link toolbox
Unzip MATLAB RLINK then paste MATLAB RLINK in Matlab"s toolbox folder or whatever folder you want Be sure to add MATLAB RLINK to your Matlab path
4 Use template and function
In the content of matlab2r m
there"s a line: matlab2r "y x^2" "x" "y" ;
The general form is:
matlab2r command input variables output variables ;
In case of multi variables or multi commands use
matlab2r "Rcommand1;Rcommand2; " {"variable1" "variable2" } {"variable1" "variable2" } ;
And write your matlab codes in other places ">This package is used for calling r language from matlab Most of the files already exist on the Internet But I wrote five to complement this package
1 In R enter:
>install packages "rscproxy"
2 Install statconnDCOM latest
3 Download the Matlab R Link toolbox
Unzip MATLAB [更多]
%% Open R
[statusmsg] = openR;
if status ~= 1
disp([‘Problem connecting to R: ‘ msg]);
%% matlab codes
%% R codes
%% matlab codes
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 6525 2015-03-20 14:57 matlab_R\MATLAB_Rli
文件 215 2015-03-17 18:32 matlab_R\matlab2r_template.m
文件 850 2015-03-20 14:57 matlab_R\readme.txt
文件 7282179 2015-03-17 11:49 matlab_R\statconnDCOM.latest.exe
目录 0 2015-03-20 14:57 matlab_R\
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