function correctPoints = match_ransac(P1P2 it N t)
% MATCH_RANSAC:RANSAC outliner detector for matched point-pairs
% Input:
% P1 - coordinates of points in the 1st image [pointnum x 2]
% P2 - coordinates of points in the 2nd image [pointnum x 2]
% it - iterations (the number of subset to try)
% N - number of points in a consensus set to determine a correct model has been found
% t - error tolerance to determine whether a point is compatible for the model
% Output:
% correctPoints - indexes of point-pairs corrected matched determined by RANSAC
% Author:
% Jiaolong Yang
% Beijing Laboratory
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 4501 2010-12-28 22:06 RANSAC\match_ransac.m
目录 0 2010-12-28 21:59 RANSAC
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4501 2
- SIFT2844912
- image_matching
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- SIFT2830309
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