function [u u_hat omega] = VMD(signal alpha tau K DC init tol)
% Variational Mode Decomposition
% Authors: Konstantin Dragomiretskiy and Dominique Zosso
% zosso@math.ucla.edu --- http://www.math.ucla.edu/~zosso
% Initial release 2013-12-12 (c) 2013
% Input and Parameters:
% ---------------------
% signal - the time domain signal (1D) to be decomposed
% alpha - the balancing parameter of the data-fidelity constraint
% tau - time-step of the dual ascent ( pick 0 for noise-slack )
% K - the number of modes to be recovered
% DC - true if the first mode is put and kept at DC (0-freq)
% init - 0 = all omegas start at 0
% 1 = all omegas start uniformly distributed
% 2 = all omegas initialized randomly
% tol - tolerance of co
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 4645 2014-02-12 14:40 VMD.m
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4645 1
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