%USAGE: [fillhandlemsg]=jbfill(xpointsupperlowercoloredgeaddtransparency)
%This function will fill a region with a color between the two vectors provided
%using the Matlab fill command.
%fillhandle is the returned handle to the filled region in the plot.
%xpoints= The horizontal data points (ie frequencies). Note length(Upper)
% must equal Length(lower)and must equal length(xpoints)!
%upper = the upper curve values (data can be less than lower)
%lower = the lower curve values (data can be more than upper)
%color = the color of the filled area
%edge = the color around the edge of the filled area
%add = a flag to add to the current plot or make a new one.
%transparency is a value ranging from 1 for opaque to 0 for invisible for
%the filled color only.
%John A. Bockstege November 2006;
% a=rand(120);%Vector of
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