classdef ERADist
% Generation of distribution objects
% construct distribution object with Obj = ERADist(nameoptval) with
% opt = “PAR“ if you want to specify the distibution by its parameters:
% Binomial: Obj = ERADist(‘binomial‘‘PAR‘[np])
% Geometric: Obj = ERADist(‘geometric‘‘PAR‘[p])
% Negative binomial: Obj = ERADist(‘negativebinomial‘‘PAR‘[kp])
% Poisson: Obj = ERADist(‘poisson‘‘PAR‘[lambdat])
% Uniform: Obj = ERADist(‘uniform‘‘PAR‘[lowerupper])
% Normal: Obj = ERADist(‘normal‘‘PAR‘[meanstd])
% Standard normal: Obj = ERADist(‘standardnormal‘‘PAR‘[])
% Log-normal: Obj = ERADist(‘lognormal‘‘PAR‘[mu_lnxsig_lnx])
% Exponential: Obj = ERADist(‘exponential‘‘PAR‘[lambda])
% Gamma: Obj = ERADist(‘gamma‘‘PAR‘[lambdak])
% Beta: Obj = ERADist(‘beta‘‘PAR‘[rslowerupper])
% Gumbel (to model minima): Obj = ERADist(‘gumbelMin‘‘PAR‘[a_nb_n])
% Gumbel (to model maxima): Obj = ERADist(‘gumbel‘‘PAR‘[a_nb_n])
% Frechet: Obj = ERADist(‘frechet‘‘PAR‘[a_nk])
% Weibull: Obj = ERADist(‘weibull‘‘PAR‘[a_nk])
% GEV (to model maxima): Obj = ERADist(‘GEV‘‘PAR‘[betaalphaepsilon])
% GEV (to model minima): Obj = ERADist(‘GEVMin‘‘PAR‘[betaalphaepsilon])
% Pareto: Obj = ERADist(‘pareto‘‘PAR‘[x_malpha])
% Rayleigh: Obj = ERADist(‘rayleigh‘‘PAR‘[alpha])
% Chi-squared: Obj = ERADist(‘chisquare‘‘PAR‘[k])
% opt = “MOM“ if you want to specify the distibution by its moments:
% Binomial: Obj = ERADist(‘binomial‘‘MOM‘[meanstd])
% Geometric: Obj = ERADist(‘geometric‘‘MOM‘[mean])
% Negative binomial: Obj = ERADist(‘negativebinomial‘‘MOM‘[meanstd])
% Poisson: Obj = ERADist(‘poisson‘‘MOM‘[mean])
% Uniform: Obj = ERADist(‘uniform‘‘MOM‘[meanstd])
% Normal: Obj = ERADist(‘normal‘‘MOM‘[meanstd])
% Standard normal: Obj = ERADist(‘standardnormal‘‘MOM‘[])
% Log-normal: Obj = ERADist(‘lognormal‘‘MOM‘[meanstd])
% Exponential: Obj = ERADist(‘exponential‘‘MOM‘[mean])
% Gamma: Obj = ERADist(‘gamma‘‘MOM‘[meanstd])
% Beta: Obj = ERADist(‘beta‘‘MOM‘[meanstdlowerupper])
% Gumbel (to model minima): Obj = ERADist(‘gumbel‘‘MOM‘[meanstd])
% Gumbel (to model maxima): Obj = ERADist(‘gumbelMax‘‘MOM‘[meanstd])
% Frechet: Obj = ERADist(‘frechet‘‘MOM‘[meanstd])
% Weibull: Obj = ERADist(‘weibull‘‘MOM‘[meanstd])
% GEV (to model minima): Obj = ERADist(‘GEVMin‘‘MOM‘[me
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2019-10-17 20:43 ERADistNataf_MATLAB\
文件 190514 2018-12-07 12:06 ERADistNataf_MATLAB\Distribution_table.pdf
文件 36646 2019-10-17 16:24 ERADistNataf_MATLAB\ERADist.m
文件 1281348 2019-01-14 15:24 ERADistNataf_MATLAB\ERADistNataf_doc.pdf
文件 28459 2019-01-07 15:49 ERADistNataf_MATLAB\ERANataf.m
文件 4478 2019-10-17 20:42 ERADistNataf_MATLAB\input_file.m
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