cec2013基准测试函数 matlab源程序
CEC13 Test Function Suite
Jane Jing Liang (email: liangjing@zzu.edu.cn)
14th Feb. 2013
1. Run the following command in Matlab window:
mex cec13_func.cpp -DWINDOWS
2. Then you can use the test functions as the following example:
f = cec13_func(xfunc_num);
Here x is a D*pop_size matrix.
double *OShift*M*y*z*x_bound;
int ini_flag=0n_flagfunc_flag;
#define INF 1.0e99
#define EPS 1.0e-14
#define E 2.7182818284590452353602874713526625
#define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795029
void sphere_func (double * double * int double *double * int); /* Sphere */
void ellips_func(double * double * int double *double * int); /* Ellipsoidal */
void bent_cigar_func(double * double * int double *double * int); /* Discus */
void discus_func(double * double * int double *double * int); /* Bent_Cigar */
void dif_powers_func(double * double * int double *double * int); /* Different Powers */
void rosenbrock_func (double * double * int double *double * int); /* Rosenbrock‘s */
void schaffer_F7_func (double * double * int double *double * int); /* Schwefel‘s F7 */
void ackley_func (double * double * int double *double * int); /* Ackley‘s */
void rastrigin_func (double * double * int double *double * int); /* Rastrigin‘s */
void step_rastrigin_func (double * double * int double *double * int); /* Noncontinuous Rastrigin‘s */
void weierstrass_func (double * double * int double *double * int); /* Weierstrass‘s */
void griewank_func (double * double * int double *double * int); /* Griewank‘s */
void schwefel_func (double * double * int double *double * int); /* Schwefel‘s */
void katsuura_func (double * double * int double *double * int); /* Katsuura */
void bi_rastrigin_func (double * double * int double *double * int); /* Lunacek Bi_rastrigin Function */
void grie_rosen_func (double * double * int double *double * int); /* Griewank-Rosenbrock */
void escaffer6_func (double * double * int double *double * int); /* Expanded Scaffer’s F6 */
void cf01 (double * double * int double *double * int); /* Composition Function 1 */
void cf02 (double * double * int double *double * int); /* Composition Function 2 */
void cf03 (double * double * int double *double * int); /* Composition Function 3 */
void cf04 (double * double * int double *double * int); /* Composition Function 4 */
void cf05 (double * double * int double *double * int); /* Composition Function 5 */
void cf06 (double * double * int double *double * int); /* Composition Function 6 */
void cf07 (double * double * int double *double * int); /* Composition Function 7 */
void cf08 (double * double * int double *double * int); /* Composition Function 8 */
void shiftfunc (double*dou
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 26800 2020-11-22 00:03 cec13matlab\cec13_func.cpp
文件 433 2020-11-22 00:03 cec13matlab\main.m
文件 1710 2020-11-22 00:03 cec13matlab\PSO_func.m
文件 379 2020-11-22 00:03 cec13matlab\readme.txt
文件 25200 2020-11-22 00:03 cec13matlab\input_data\M_D10.txt
文件 2502000 2020-11-22 00:03 cec13matlab\input_data\M_D100.txt
文件 1040 2020-11-22 00:03 cec13matlab\input_data\M_D2.txt
文件 100400 2020-11-22 00:03 cec13matlab\input_data\M_D20.txt
文件 225600 2020-11-22 00:03 cec13matlab\input_data\M_D30.txt
文件 400800 2020-11-22 00:03 cec13matlab\input_data\M_D40.txt
文件 6350 2020-11-22 00:03 cec13matlab\input_data\M_D5.txt
文件 626000 2020-11-22 00:03 cec13matlab\input_data\M_D50.txt
文件 901200 2020-11-22 00:03 cec13matlab\input_data\M_D60.txt
文件 1226400 2020-11-22 00:03 cec13matlab\input_data\M_D70.txt
文件 1601600 2020-11-22 00:03 cec13matlab\input_data\M_D80.txt
文件 2026800 2020-11-22 00:03 cec13matlab\input_data\M_D90.txt
文件 25020 2020-11-22 00:03 cec13matlab\input_data\shift_data.txt
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