clear all;
%%%%%%%%%%%%% COMPILER CONFIGURATION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% set up the compiler you want to use. Possible choices are
% - ‘mex‘ (default matlab compiler) this is the easy choice if your matlab
% is correctly configured. Note that this choice might not compatible
% with the option ‘use_multithread=true‘.
% - ‘icc‘ (intel compiler) usually produces the fastest code but the
% compiler is not free and not installed by default.
% - ‘gcc‘ (gnu compiler) good choice (for Mac use gcc >= 4.6 for
% the multi-threaded version otherwise set use_multithread=false).
% For windows you need to have cygwin installed.
% - ‘open64‘ (amd compiler) optimized for opteron cpus.
% - ‘vs‘ (visual studio compiler) for windows computers (10.0 or more is recommended)
% for some unknown reason the performance obtained with vs is poor compared to icc/gcc
%%%%%%%%%%%% BLAS/LAPACK CONFIGURATION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% set up the blas/lapack library you want to use. Possible choices are
% - builtin: blas/lapack shipped with Matlab
% same as mex: good choice if matlab is correctly configured.
% - mkl: (intel math kernel library) usually the fastest but not free.
% - acml: (AMD Core math library) optimized for opteron cpus
% - blas: (netlib at atlas version of blas/lapack) free
% ==> you can also tweak this script to include your favorite blas/lapack library
%%%%%%%%%%%% MULTITHREADING CONFIGURATION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% set true if you want to use multi-threaded capabilities of the toolbox. You
% need an appropriate compiler for that (intel compiler most recent gcc or visual studio pro)
use_multithread=true; % (might not compatible with compiler=mex)
% if the compilation fails on Mac try the single-threaded version.
% to run the toolbox on a cluster it can be a good idea to deactivate this
% if you use the options ‘mex‘ and ‘builtin‘ you can proceed with the compilation by
% typing ‘compile‘ in the matlab shell. Otherwise you need to set up a few path below.
%%%%%%%%%%%% PATH CONFIGURATION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% only if you do not use the options ‘mex‘ and ‘builtin‘
% set up the path to the compiler libraries that you intend to use below
if strcmp(compiler‘gcc‘)
if linux || mac
% example when compiler=‘gcc‘ for Linux/Mac: (path containing the files libgcc_s.*)
% example when compiler=‘gcc‘ for Windows+cygwin: (the script does not
% work at the moment in this configuration
elseif strcmp(compiler‘open64‘)
% example when compiler=‘gcc‘ for Linux/Mac: (path containing libgcc_s.*)
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 14947 2013-06-21 04:21 SPAMS-matlab-svn.rar\spams-matlab\compile.m
文件 35147 2012-03-15 00:29 SPAMS-matlab-svn.rar\spams-matlab\COPYING
文件 615 2012-03-15 00:29 SPAMS-matlab-svn.rar\spams-matlab\cpp_library\cppLasso.cpp
文件 747 2012-03-15 00:29 SPAMS-matlab-svn.rar\spams-matlab\cpp_library\Makefile
文件 6342 2012-05-20 13:47 SPAMS-matlab-svn.rar\spams-matlab\dags\dag.h
文件 2569 2012-05-20 13:47 SPAMS-matlab-svn.rar\spams-matlab\dags\mex\mexCountConnexComponents.cpp
文件 2243 2012-05-20 13:47 SPAMS-matlab-svn.rar\spams-matlab\dags\mex\mexCountPathsDAG.cpp
文件 2361 2012-05-20 13:47 SPAMS-matlab-svn.rar\spams-matlab\dags\mex\mexRemoveCyclesGraph.cpp
文件 4096 2012-03-15 00:29 SPAMS-matlab-svn.rar\spams-matlab\data\._boat.png
文件 4096 2012-03-15 00:29 SPAMS-matlab-svn.rar\spams-matlab\data\._lena.png
文件 177762 2012-03-15 00:29 SPAMS-matlab-svn.rar\spams-matlab\data\boat.png
文件 151199 2012-03-15 00:29 SPAMS-matlab-svn.rar\spams-matlab\data\lena.png
文件 84392 2013-06-21 04:21 SPAMS-matlab-svn.rar\spams-matlab\decomp\decomp.h
文件 3778 2012-03-15 00:29 SPAMS-matlab-svn.rar\spams-matlab\decomp\mex\mexCD.cpp
文件 4340 2012-03-15 00:29 SPAMS-matlab-svn.rar\spams-matlab\decomp\mex\mexL1L2BCD.cpp
文件 8526 2012-05-20 13:47 SPAMS-matlab-svn.rar\spams-matlab\decomp\mex\mexLasso.cpp
文件 3807 2012-03-15 00:29 SPAMS-matlab-svn.rar\spams-matlab\decomp\mex\mexLassoMask.cpp
文件 3642 2012-03-15 00:29 SPAMS-matlab-svn.rar\spams-matlab\decomp\mex\mexLassoWeighted.cpp
文件 4529 2012-05-20 13:47 SPAMS-matlab-svn.rar\spams-matlab\decomp\mex\mexOMP.cpp
文件 5054 2012-05-20 13:47 SPAMS-matlab-svn.rar\spams-matlab\decomp\mex\mexOMPMask.cpp
文件 4352 2012-03-15 00:29 SPAMS-matlab-svn.rar\spams-matlab\decomp\mex\mexSOMP.cpp
文件 2734 2012-03-15 00:29 SPAMS-matlab-svn.rar\spams-matlab\decomp\mex\mexSparseProject.cpp
文件 27337 2012-05-27 03:49 SPAMS-matlab-svn.rar\spams-matlab\dictLearn\dicts.h
文件 7630 2013-06-21 04:21 SPAMS-matlab-svn.rar\spams-matlab\dictLearn\mex\mexTrainDL.cpp
文件 4210 2012-03-15 00:29 SPAMS-matlab-svn.rar\spams-matlab\dictLearn\mex\mexTrainDL_Memory.cpp
文件 1179 2012-03-15 00:29 SPAMS-matlab-svn.rar\spams-matlab\doc\doc_spams.blg
文件 5655 2012-03-15 00:29 SPAMS-matlab-svn.rar\spams-matlab\doc\doc_spams.haux
文件 6183 2012-03-15 00:29 SPAMS-matlab-svn.rar\spams-matlab\doc\doc_spams.hbbl
文件 5029 2012-03-15 00:29 SPAMS-matlab-svn.rar\spams-matlab\doc\doc_spams.htoc
文件 870908 2012-06-15 14:16 SPAMS-matlab-svn.rar\spams-matlab\doc\doc_spams.pdf
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