
// FILE: AD524X.cpp
// AUTHOR: Rob Tillaart
// VERSION: see AD524X.h file
// PURPOSE: I2C digital potentiometer AD5241 AD5242
// DATE: 2013-10-12
// URL:
// Released to the public domain
#include “AD524X.h“
#define AS524X_RDAC0 0x00
#define AS524X_RDAC1 0x80
#define AS524X_RESET 0x40
#define AS524X_SHUTDOWN 0x20
#define AS524X_O1_HIGH 0x10
#define AS524X_O2_HIGH 0x08
AD524X::AD524X(const uint8_t address)
// address: 0x01011xx = 0x2C - 0x2F
_address = address;
_lastValue[0] = _lastValue[1] = 127; // power on reset => mid position
_O1 = _O2 = 0;
uint8_t AD524X::zeroAll()
write(0 0 LOW LOW);
return write(1 0);
uint8_t AD524X::write(const uint8_t rdac const uint8_t value)
if (rdac > 1) return AS524X_ERROR;
uint8_t cmd = (rdac == 0) ? AS524X_RDAC0 : AS524X_RDAC1;
// apply the output lines
cmd = cmd | _O1 | _O2;
_lastValue[rdac] = value;
return send(cmd value);
uint8_t AD524X::write(const uint8_t rdac const uint8_t value const uint8_t O1 const uint8_t O2)
if (rdac > 1) return AS524X_ERROR;
uint8_t cmd = (rdac == 0) ? AS524X_RDAC0 : AS524X_RDAC1;
_O1 = (O1 == LOW) ? 0 : AS524X_O1_HIGH;
_O2 = (O2 == LOW) ? 0 : AS524X_O2_HIGH;
// apply the output lines
cmd = cmd | _O1 | _O2;
_lastValue[rdac] = value;
return send(cmd value);
uint8_t AD524X::setO1(const uint8_t value)
_O1 = (value == LOW) ? 0 : AS524X_O1_HIGH;
uint8_t cmd = AS524X_RDAC0 | _O1 | _O2;
return send(cmd _lastValue[0]);
uint8_t AD524X::setO2(const uint8_t value)
_O2 = (value == LOW) ? 0: AS524X_O2_HIGH;
uint8_t cmd = AS524X_RDAC0 | _O1 | _O2;
return send(cmd _lastValue[0]);
uint8_t AD524X::getO1()
return (_O1 > 0);
uint8_t AD524X::getO2()
return (_O2 > 0);
uint8_t AD524X::read(const uint8_t rdac)
return _lastValue[rdac];
uint8_t AD524X::readBackRegister()
Wire.requestFrom(_address (uint8_t)1);
return Wire.read();
uint8_t AD524X::midScaleReset(const uint8_t rdac)
if (rdac > 1) return AS524X_ERROR;
uint8_t cmd = AS524X_RESET;
if (rdac == 1) cmd |= AS524X_RDAC1;
cmd = cmd | _O1 | _O2;
_lastValue[rdac] = 127;
return send(cmd _lastValue[rdac]);
// TODO read datasheet
// uint8_t AD524X::shutDown()
// {
// uint8_t cmd = AS524X_SHUTDOWN;
// sendCommand(cmd 0)
// }
uint8_t AD524X::send(const uint8_t cmd const uint8_t value)
return Wire.endTransmission();
// -- END OF FILE --
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
....... 2274 2018-09-02 07:26 sketches\DHT_Simulator\DHT_Simulator.ino
....... 4421 2018-09-02 07:26 sketches\fastHaverSine\fastHaverSine.ino
....... 7712 2018-09-02 07:26 sketches\MultiSpeedI2CScanner\MultiSpeedI2CScanner.ino
....... 804 2018-09-02 07:26 sketches\MultiSpeedI2CScanner\readme.md
....... 957 2018-09-02 07:26 sketches\MultiSpeedI2CScanner\releaseNotes.txt
....... 1793 2018-09-02 07:26 sketches\oneWireSearch\oneWireSearch.ino
....... 1074 2018-09-02 07:26 LICENSE.md
....... 1342 2018-09-02 07:26 README.md
....... 2747 2018-09-02 07:26 libraries\AD524X\AD524X.cpp
....... 1269 2018-09-02 07:26 libraries\AD524X\AD524X.h
....... 731 2018-09-02 07:26 libraries\AD524X\examples\AD524X_followA0\AD524X_followA0.ino
....... 708 2018-09-02 07:26 libraries\AD524X\examples\AD524X_midScaleReset\AD524X_midScaleReset.ino
....... 650 2018-09-02 07:26 libraries\AD524X\examples\AD524X_read\AD524X_read.ino
....... 916 2018-09-02 07:26 libraries\AD524X\examples\AD524X_readBackRegister\AD524X_readBackRegister.ino
....... 554 2018-09-02 07:26 libraries\AD524X\examples\AD524X_sawtooth\AD524X_sawtooth.ino
....... 762 2018-09-02 07:26 libraries\AD524X\examples\AD524X_setO\AD524X_setO.ino
....... 685 2018-09-02 07:26 libraries\AD524X\examples\AD524X_write\AD524X_write.ino
....... 508 2018-09-02 07:26 libraries\AD524X\library.json
....... 340 2018-09-02 07:26 libraries\AD524X\library.properties
....... 5711 2018-09-02 07:26 libraries\AM232X\AM232X.cpp
....... 1580 2018-09-02 07:26 libraries\AM232X\AM232X.h
....... 960 2018-09-02 07:26 libraries\AM232X\examples\AM2320\AM2320.ino
....... 1909 2018-09-02 07:26 libraries\AM232X\examples\AM2320_test\AM2320_test.ino
....... 953 2018-09-02 07:26 libraries\AM232X\examples\AM2322\AM2322.ino
....... 812 2018-09-02 07:26 libraries\AM232X\keywords.txt
....... 496 2018-09-02 07:26 libraries\AM232X\library.json
....... 306 2018-09-02 07:26 libraries\AM232X\library.properties
....... 1063 2018-09-02 07:26 libraries\AnalogPin\AnalogPin.cpp
....... 658 2018-09-02 07:26 libraries\AnalogPin\AnalogPin.h
....... 592 2018-09-02 07:26 libraries\AnalogPin\examples\AnalogPin\AnalogPin.ino
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