这是在MINI2440上调通的vxworks BSP,网卡是CS8900

/* csEnd.c - Crystal Semiconductor CS8900 network interface driver */
/* */
/* Copyright 2000 Crystal Semiconductor Corp. */
/* */
/* Last release: v3.05a */
/* Mod level for last release: 05a */
modification history
v3.06a11/02/01 kml
- Added BYTE_SWAP() in writting to the multicast filter register.
- remove if (END_MULTI_LST_CNT(&pCS->end) > 0) {} in csConfig() so that
csAddrFilterSet() is always called. csAddrFilterSet() will zero the
MulticastTable and return if the last one in END_MULTI_LST has been deleted.
v3.05a06/26/01 kml
- Added Support for Interrupt Level and Interrupt Vector for
Non-Ix86 processors.
- Added CS8900_INTERRUPT_REQUEST_PIN_NUM for Non-Ix86 processors to
write their interrupt pin number to InterruptNumber Register.
- Modified the code so that logMsg is used only when CS_DEBUG_ENABLE is
defined. Thus compiler warning mesages can be avoided if
CS_DEBUG_ENABLE is not defined.
- Pass ETHERMTU to END_MIB_INIT() instead of
ETHERMTU+SIZEOF_ETHERHEADER to fix the bug that pinging the
target with a packet size larger than the MTU size would fail.
- Added INT_LOCK and INTUNLOCK in csTxNextframe() to fixed the bug
that CS8900 stops Tx after Tx underrun errors occurs.
v3.04a09May01 kml
-Added support for SH3. ALIGMENT_32BIT needs to be defined for
v3.03a10/02/00 kml
-Merged for PCx86 and ARM.
June 20000 -Modified for ARM 940 by Conexant Systems Inc.
v3.02a24Sep99 kml -Set offset 2 to the receiving buffer pointer when copying received frames from chip
so that the IP header stars from the 17th bytes for 32-bits-Alignment.
-Change receiving buffer size from 32 to 64.
-Correction: If the memory address parameter is zero the CS8900 operates in the
mode specified by EEPROM or the Config Flag parameter.
v3.01a07May99 kml ported to the Enhanced Network Driver (END) model
to support the MUX interface.
01g.25nov97.jla Added defs to help a page fault with hard resets.
HARD_RESET does hard chip resets
SOFT_RESET does a softer kinder sort of reset
The routine csResetChip does one or the other based
on the define set in if_cs.h
01q11apr97rks Implementd “early tx“ support. Required mods to csLoad
(initialization) csInitChip (early tx int ena
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 3971 2008-07-04 14:05 sysSerial.c
文件 10652 2008-07-06 15:00 romInit.s
文件 7954 2008-06-24 15:04 sysALib.s
文件 8177 2008-07-12 08:07 config.h
文件 1569 2008-07-15 15:56 configNet.h
文件 10866 2001-06-26 14:04 csEnd.h
文件 20033 2008-07-15 14:31 s3c2410x.h
文件 4516 2004-03-11 15:29 s3c2410xSio.h
文件 94244 2008-07-15 15:40 csEnd.c
文件 28286 2008-07-15 15:27 csSysEnd.c
文件 6558 2008-07-04 09:02 s3c2410xIntrCtl.c
文件 19869 2008-07-15 14:35 s3c2410xSio.c
文件 10700 2004-12-21 09:37 s3c2410xTimer.c
文件 16451 2008-07-15 15:25 sysLib.c
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
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