运动学自行车模型和动力学自行车模型 在简要了解了PID控制以后,我们就要接触一些现代的控制算法。在了解高级的车辆控制算法之前,掌握车辆运动模型是非常有必要的。车辆运动模型就是一类能够描述我们的车辆的运动规律的模型。
function [corners_2Dface_idx] = computeBox3D(objectP)
% takes an object and a projection matrix (P) and projects the 3D
% bounding box into the image plane.
% index for 3D bounding box faces
face_idx = [ 1265 % front face
2376 % left face
3487 % back face
4158]; % right face
% compute rotational matrix around yaw axis
R = [+cos(object.ry) 0 +sin(object.ry);
0 1 0;
-sin(object.ry) 0 +cos(object.ry)];
% 3D bounding box dimensions
l = object.l;
w = object.w;
h = object.h;
% 3D bounding box corners
x_corners = [l/2 l/2 -l/2 -l/2 l/2 l/2 -l/2 -l/2];
y_corners = [0000-h-h-h-h];
z_corners = [w/2 -w/2 -w/2 w/2 w/2 -w/2 -w/2 w/2];
% rotate and translate 3D bounding box
corners_3D = R*[x_corners;y_corners;z_corners];
corners_3D(1:) = corners_3D(1:) + object.t(1);
corners_3D(2:) = corners_3D(2:) + object.t(2);
corners_3D(3:) = corners_3D(3:) + object.t(3);
% only draw 3D bounding box for objects in front of the camera
if any(corners_3D(3:)<0.1)
corners_2D = [];
% project the 3D bounding box into the image plane
corners_2D = projectToImage(corners_3D P);
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 1215 2013-10-03 12:39 xiaoche\computeBox3D.m
文件 950 2013-10-03 12:39 xiaoche\computeOrientation3D.m
文件 1187 2014-02-28 15:43 xiaoche\drawBox2D.m
文件 1147 2013-10-03 12:39 xiaoche\drawBox3D.m
文件 579 2013-10-03 12:39 xiaoche\projectToImage.m
文件 461 2013-10-03 12:39 xiaoche\readCalibration.m
文件 2009 2014-02-28 15:43 xiaoche\readLabels.m
文件 3782 2014-02-28 15:43 xiaoche\run_demo.m
文件 906 2014-02-28 15:43 xiaoche\run_readWriteDemo.m
文件 3029 2014-02-28 15:43 xiaoche\visualization.m
文件 3322 2014-02-28 15:43 xiaoche\writeLabels.m
目录 0 2018-03-02 11:54 xiaoche
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